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Kids’ Drawing Games for Creative Fun

Children possess an innate talent for creativity, which if nurtured, can bloom into a lifelong love for art and imagination. Tapping into this potential through drawing games is an ideal way to foster and develop their creative spirit. With that in mind, let’s explore some fun drawing games that promise hours of inventive pleasure.

  1. Pictionary: The Classic Among Drawing Games
  2. Pictionary is arguably the most popular among drawing games for kids. It’s a perfect blend of sketching and guessing, allowing children to communicate through their drawings.

    How to Play:

    • Divide the kids into two teams.
    • One member of the team draws an object or phrase without using any alphabets or numbers, while the others guess.
    • The challenge is to guess the drawing within a time limit.

    Example: If the word is “cat”, the child might draw a simple four-legged creature with whiskers and a tail. It’s an easy drawing of indoor games as you just need paper and a pen.

  3. Blindfold Drawing: A Test of Memory
  4. Blindfold drawing is a great way to challenge a child’s memory and understanding of shapes.

    How to Play:

    • Blindfold the participant.
    • Assign an object for them to draw while they’re blindfolded.
    • It’s fun to see how close they get to the actual object when they can’t see what they’re drawing!

    Example: Asking them to draw a tree and then seeing a variety of interpretations – from simple trunks and canopies to detailed branches.

  5. Connect the Dots: A Game of Imagination
  6. This is one of those drawing games that’s all about connecting random dots to create images.

    How to Play:

    • Draw random dots on a piece of paper.
    • The challenge for the child is to connect these dots in any way they choose to form a picture.

    Example: If there are five dots arranged in a rough circle, they might connect them to create a face or perhaps a flower.

  7. The Monster Game: A Foray into Fantasy
  8. The Monster Game is a brilliant exercise in imaginative playing games drawing.

    How to Play:

    • Each child draws the head of a monster and then folds the paper to conceal the head, leaving just the tips of the neck showing.
    • The next child draws the body without seeing the head, again folding the paper and showing only the bottom.
    • The final child draws the legs.
    • Unfolding the paper reveals a unique, often hilarious monster.
  9. Collaborative Stories: Where Narratives Come to Life
  10. This combines storytelling with drawing, creating a beautiful mix of narrative and art.

    How to Play:

    • The first child begins a story and draws the starting scene.
    • The next child continues the story and adds to the drawing.
    • This keeps going until the story reaches a conclusion.

    Example: One child starts with a drawing of a house on a hill. The next adds a rain cloud, turning the scene into a rainy day. As the story progresses, maybe an animal seeks shelter, leading to a beautiful tale of kindness.

  11. Drawing to Music: Feeling the Rhythm
  12. Drawing to music infuses art with emotion. It’s one of the fun drawing games where children can let their pens flow with the beats.

    How to Play:

    • Play different genres of music.
    • Encourage children to draw whatever the music inspires in them.

    Example: Fast-paced pop might lead to bold, energetic strokes, while a gentle lullaby could result in soft, wavy lines and peaceful scenes.

  13. Copycat Game: Observation and Replication
  14. This game is all about paying attention to detail.

    How to Play:

    • One child draws a picture.
    • The others, without looking at the original, try to replicate it based on the description provided by the first child.

    Example: A drawing of a park might be described as “A green ground with a round pond in the middle, ducks in the pond, and a bench on the right.”

  15. Shadow Drawing: Nature as a Muse
  16. Utilising the beauty of nature, shadow drawing is a wonderful way to encourage observation and explore the wonders of the natural world.

    How to Play:

    • Place an object or toy near a piece of paper in direct sunlight or use a flashlight in a dimly lit room.
    • The shadow of the object will fall onto the paper. The child then traces around the shadow.
    • Over time, kids can get creative by overlapping multiple shadows or adding details to the traced silhouette.

    Example: A child might choose a toy dinosaur, and upon tracing its shadow, it could turn into a scene from the prehistoric era with volcanoes and tropical plants.

  17. Memory Drawing: Flexing the Recall Muscles
  18. Memory drawing is a great way to enhance a child’s recall ability.

    How to Play:

    • Show children an image for a few seconds.
    • After taking the image away, ask them to draw what they remember.
    • It’s fascinating to see which details they recall and which they omit or alter.

    Example: If they’re shown an image of a beach, some might remember the waves, some might focus on the sun, while others might draw people playing.

  19. Emoji Challenge: Modern Day Drawing Fun
  20. In today’s digital age, emojis are becoming an expressive language of their own. Why not integrate them into drawing games for kids?

    How to Play:

    • Write down several emojis on individual slips of paper and place them in a jar.
    • Children then pick a slip and draw a scene or story inspired by that emoji.

    Example: If a child picks the “🎈” emoji, they might end up drawing a birthday party or perhaps a balloon vendor in a park.

Fostering Creative Expression

Drawing games not only offer children a medium for expression but also help hone critical skills like observation, memory, and creative thinking. It’s essential to create an atmosphere where children feel free to experiment, make mistakes, and learn. These drawing games serve as stepping stones towards building confidence in their artistic abilities and, more broadly, in their unique perspectives and ideas. Encouraging them to play, draw, and imagine ensures that they’re not just passing time but enriching their minds and souls.


Incorporating drawing games for kids into their playtime can do wonders for their imagination and cognitive development. From easy drawing of indoor games to more complex group activities, there’s a plethora of options to pick from. Whether you opt for classic Pictionary or experiment with playing games drawing out monsters and musical landscapes, one thing is certain: your kids are bound to have a great time while expanding their horizons.

In line with promoting creativity, EuroKids Preschool has always been at the forefront of encouraging kids’ drawing games. If you’re looking to cultivate your child’s artistic flair from a tender age, enrolling them at the nearest EuroKids centre should be on your to-do list.

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