12 Fun Weekend Activities to do with your Family

12 Fun Weekend Activities

As adults, we desperately crave a sense of routine. Sometimes, our busy job schedules get in the way of our perfectly balanced routines and as a result, we don’t get that vital ‘quality time with family’.

The thing is, we all have time. And it’s more important that we carve out that time from our jampacked schedules, especially for the sake of our families. After all, we claim to be working so hard for our families; but are we, truly?

12 Fun Weekend Activities to do with your Family

If you’re looking to spend the weekend with the family, here’s a list of the dozen best activities to help you do that in style!

  1. Go to the zoo
  2. Take the entire family to the zoo. Visit each exhibit, testing the knowledge of your children as you go along. In case of little ones, they will be more than content to spend some time petting those delightful furry animals as they walk around the place. Your older ones can sit in on lectures by professional zoologists, and learn a thing or two. Certainly, one of the best fun family activities.

  3. Movie night
  4. A weekend with the family gets added flavor with movie night!

    Tip: Don’t just watch any movie. Try and select one with an inspirational message, that the entire family can discuss later. You can even throw in some age-appropriate documentaries touching upon relevant issues in the world today, and see how that might spark intelligent discussion.

  5. A trip to the Science Museum
  6. Weekend activities with kids are incomplete without this one. Take your child to a Science Museum where they will learn something new and interesting about the world around them, at every exhibit they stop at. Here they will discover a good deal about everything from marine life to astrology, so make sure you make the most of this wonderful experience by visiting as many exhibits as you possibly can.

    Tip: You might want to catch an I-Max show touching upon an important subject, for a truly immersive learning experience!

  7. Family Meal Night
  8. A great way to spend the weekend with the family, with the added benefit of a wonderful family bonding experience! Let everyone be involved in the preparation of the meal, whether it entails going to the supermarket to get groceries or simply baby helping mama cut the veggies for the family mea

    Tip: Keep it interesting. Experiment with international cuisine to make family meal night even more special.

  9. Live Sporting Event
  10. Sunday family activities like these are a treat for the entire family. Who doesn’t like all the screaming and excitement that comes with a ball game? While some of us might just land up there for the hotdogs and peanuts, others will happily go there to support their favorite team.

  11. Just Play
  12. What better way to spend a weekend with the family, than by indulging in  some good old sporting fun? Whether it’s a game of tennis or cricket, you can be sure the entire family will be excited to showcase their sporting skills in an effort to get their ‘team’ to win. You can make this even more fun by calling in other people from the neighborhood; the more the merrier, right?

  13. Go to the amusement park
  14.  Okay, perhaps not Disneyland every time you think of this one. A trip to any amusement park makes for fun family activities. Whether it’s an adrenaline rush from a Roller Coaster or a trip into a House of Horrors, there’s something exciting for every member of the family. You might even enjoy the good-od Carousel or Ferris Wheel. Just do your own thing!

  15. Beach Day
  16. Have a beach near you? A day at the beach is a great way to spend the weekend with the family, as it helps you bond with them in a way like no other. Enjoy building sand castles and collecting shells with your children. Oh, and lest we forget, there’s water to dip your knees in, too (if you’re not the more adventurous, swimmer type).

  17. The Outdoors
  18. Looking for weekend activities with kids? Try the great grand outdoors! Whether it’s a trip to the local park where you will see a great variety of birds, or embarking on a hiking trail where your kids will get to embrace nature in its entirety, the outdoors is a great place for weekend family fun.

  19. Board Games
  20. If you’re looking to spend the weekend with the family at home, here’s perhaps one of the best ways to do it. Take out those board games that have been gathering dust in the closet – games like Monopoly and Scrabble – and watch time fly by as you indulge in some good old board game fun!

  21. Barbecue Time
  22. One of the perfect Sunday family activities, hosting a barbecue party is one of the better ways to spend the weekend with your family. If you don’t have a barbecue stove, you might wish to invest in a small one. Nothing too fancy; just one that does the trick succinctly well. Get all your family members involved in that ‘barbecue prep’ and look forward to a day well spent!

  23. Bowling Madness
  24. Weekend with the family and bowling? Things that complement each other as perfectly as bread and butter! The perfect way to indulge in some healthy competitive fun. If you have children that are little, you can ask the bowling alley attendants to supply bumpers for the lanes, so the ball doesn’t roll into the gutters when they bowl them. Or, you might just wish to throw more gutter balls yourself on purpose, to show your kids that ‘they’re’ the true champions!

Additional Fun Weekend Activities

If there is one thing about ‘fun’, it is this: it never ends! All you have to know, is where to ‘look.’ Like at these fun, additional weekend activities.

  1. Go Camping Outdoors
  2. Take that ‘Outdoors’ experience we talked about earlier, to the next level. Camping with the family is a truly wonderful experience, that will make for great memories. You can build a Campfire where each person can tell a story, and even take that Hike you have wanted to take for long. Besides, there’s simply something ‘magical’ that being outdoors offers you, like the mere act of sitting back and Stargazing!

  3. Take A Trip to the Lake
  4. This one promises yet more ‘Outdoorsy’ fun! Besides the serenity that the lake offers, there is going to be plenty of other natural scenery around, that awaits you. Lake vacations are the perfect time to indulge in cool activities like Fishing and even, Kayaking. Needless to say, you won’t be able to resist the temptation of jumping in that lake!

  5. Go on a Picnic
  6. When was the last time you went on a Picnic? If it’s too long ago, you want to start planning this fun experience for the entire family, right now! So, grab that picnic bag and fill it with all those Picnic Essentials. Then, simply choose the perfect spot to go to on that excursion. This could be in a park or even on a farm. If there’s one thing that’s sure, everyone in the family will be up for a Picnic!

  7. Check out a Local Fair
  8. The mere sight of that Ferris wheel from afar, will make you itch to reach that fair as fast as possible! Apart from the rides, there are plenty of games for all members of the family to indulge in. Not forgetting to mention, the copious amounts of Candy Floss and Popcorn that will be consumed over the course of the day!

When the working week is over, it’s time for some serious downtime. We at EuroKIds strive to create the perfect balance, ensuring our children always have fun activities to indulge in; activities that will spark their creativity and imagination. Trust us when we say we will do our bit. What have you planned for your kids this weekend?

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