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World Sparrow Day 2024 Date, History, Activities for children

We all have fond memories of those tiny birds that would be perched on our windowsills every now and then. Namely, ‘Sparrows’, or even ‘House Sparrows’, as they are commonly referred to.

How many times these days, do you see those little birds? The very scarcity of their sightings, might lead one to think: ‘Could the house sparrow be going extinct, like the infamous Dodo of yesteryear?’

It is to that very effect, that March 20th is a day dedicated to sparrows worldwide! World Sparrow Day is observed annually, to raise awareness of the protection of these cute birds. Now that we know When is World Sparrow Day, it’s time to unlock more information pertaining to this ‘big’ day dedicated to ‘small’ birds. In this article, you will find information ranging from Why World Sparrow Day is celebrated, to World Sparrow Day Slogans. Ready to get started? Let’s ‘glide’ using the ‘wings’ of Information, into World Sparrow Day History.

World Sparrow Day: The History

In the introduction we have shed light on When is World Sparrow Day, but how was it even conceived, to begin with? 

The first ever World Sparrow Day, was celebrated on March 20th in the year 2010, in none other than our own country. It was initiated by the Nature Forever Society of India, and saw itself in collaboration with the Eco-Sys Action Foundation of France.

So, why is World Sparrow Day celebrated? The idea of celebrating World Sparrow Day goes far beyond merely commemorating the event that it represents. The real reason for celebrating this day is evident in the tangible ‘need’ it strives to fulfil. That is, to conserve the ever-dwindling population of Sparrows.

It was the fervent hope of the people who created this day, that the event would bring together individuals and even government agencies, to stand up and take notice of the need to protect urban biodiversity in general. That is, apart from the primary focus on the conservation of the sparrow, of course!

World Sparrow Day: Activities

No designated ‘day’ is complete, without the activities that help spread its central message. Presenting some great ways in which children can celebrate World Sparrow Day, that’s not too far away.

  1. Conducting a Sparrow Walk
  2. If the sparrow doesn’t come to your house, it might be time for you to go to that sparrow! Conduct a walk for your little one in the environs of nature, where they will have an increased probability of seeing those cute birds. This might be in the park, or even in your local neighbourhood.

  3. Attend Sparrow-Related Events
  4. There are several Workshops and Talks being held on this day, vis a vis Sparrow Conservation. Children will be all the more eager to learn as much as they possibly can, about things like the History of Sparrows and their bird Habits.

  5. Get a Bird Feeder
  6. Maybe the best way to get those sparrows to visit your home would be to get a bird feeder. Your children will delight in the fact that those sparrows might appear at just about any time. When they do, it will be as exciting to them as spotting a Lion in the wild!

    Note: In case you don’t want to purchase a bird feeder, even placing a bowl of water and scattering some grains on the windowsill will suffice.

  7. Increase greenery
  8. We can all take steps at an individual level, to ensure there is more greenery around our homes. When we do this, we might just be surprised to find a sparrow perched on our windowsill, not long after!

  9. Make Posters
  10. Get your children to make their very own posters of sparrows, that they can then display to raise general awareness of the protection of these birds. After all, not everyone knows it is World Sparrow Day on March 20th!

  11. Get kids to watch Documentaries
  12. In today’s digital age, there’s a plethora of information that can be found out there, on the conservation of Sparrows. Documentaries are designed to ‘make an impact’, even more so where it comes to the impressionable minds of our children.

  13. Contribute to Campaigns
  14. There are several campaigns out there for Sparrow Conservation. Making a contribution to one of them is one of the best ways to help the cause of those little birds!

World Sparrow Day Theme: 2024

The official World Sparrow Day Theme for 2024, should be announced by the end of February, or the beginning of March this year.

World Sparrow Day: Its Relevance in today’s times

By now we have procured plenty of information, from the History of World Sparrow Day, to the Activities children can indulge in on this glorious day. Here’s a look at why celebrating World Sparrow Day is all the more essential in today’s day and age.

We live in a time where things like Pollution and the rampant use of Pesticides, have culminated in a drastic ‘shrinkage’ in the Sparrow population. It is only thanks to ‘human activities’ like the above, that we have wreaked havoc on our ecosystems. It’s time to make a change, and by celebrating World Sparrow Day, we can indeed spread awareness, and work towards creating a healthier habitat. Not only for those precious sparrows, mind you, but for our future generations to come!

World Sparrow Day: Slogans

Inspired already, where it comes to protecting those feathered angels? Get even more inspired, with these wonderful World Sparrow Day Slogans!

  • There are thousands of sparrows that die in the scorching heat of summer. Do your bit to save them. Give them water!
  • Let’s give Sparrows the environment they deserve, and wake up to the happy sounds of Sparrows Chirping.
  • Sparrows look so beautiful when they Fly in the Sky. It is our duty to make sure that they do not Die.
  • Every living creature is important, big or small. Save our Sparrows!
  • Sparrows gave us so much when we were small. It’s time we gave back to them.

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