
World Kindness Day Activities for kindergarten


This 8-letter word has the essence of the whole world in it. Kind is what we should be all the time. Our default state. After all, kindness is free. So why not give to any and everyone? Human or not?

However, choosing to be kind is not always easy. It can be really hard. But it has to be a conscious choice. A mindful decision. A value inculcated since the early days of one’s childhood. That is the only way you can continue walking on its path, come what may.

It is a good thing then that we have a dedicated day to celebrate kindness. World Kindness Day is nothing but a reminder to continue on the path of kindness. Especially if you have lost your way. And even if you have not, it does not hurt to use this day to reinforce the value of kindness in kids.

In this blog, we will tell you all about World Kindness Day. Including how you can make it a part of your preschool or kindergarten celebrations.

Information about World Kindness Day: A to Z

You have scoured the internet for information about World Kindness Day and now you have landed here. Well, you already know it is the right place!

World Kindness Day was first introduced almost 25 years ago. In the year 1998, the World Kindness Movement, which was a coalition of the kindness NGOs of several nations throughout the world, decided that a day in November should be dedicated to kindness. And thus was born what we know today as World Kindness Day.

You might think it is a relatively unknown day, but as a matter of fact, it is celebrated in several countries. From the UK, Canada, and Australia to all the way to Nigeria, Australia, India and Italy. In fact, more and more nations keep adopting this day as we strive to build a kinder world together.

When is World Kindness Day? 

World Kindness Day falls on the 13th day of the month of November every year. And each gets a new theme that is all about amplifying the effects of simple acts of kindness. Though this year’s theme is yet to be out, you can check out those of previous years below:

  • Empathy – 2019
  • The world we make – 2020, 2021
  • Be kind whenever possible – 2022

Very poignant and important themes overall, if you ask us. Also, if you want to know when World Kindness Day is this year, it falls on a Monday. So kick-starting your kindergarten school on the note of kindness will actually be a pretty great start, if you think about it.

World Kindness Day activities that are perfect for your kindergartners

Just like all values, the seeds of kindness should be sown as young as possible. When kids are kind, they are bound to grow up to be kind adults. And can you imagine the heavenly overflow of kindness in this world? Who knows, we might finally solve all of the world’s problems this way!

That aside, here are some easy ways to celebrate world kindness day in school.

  1. Create a kindness chart
  2. Rather than bringing rainbows and butterflies, most of us end up being clouds of thunder in each other’s lives. This World Kindness Day, you can ask your kindergartners how they plan to be a rainbow instead of a dark cloud of thunder for someone.

    To make it simpler, pose a question somewhat like this to your students:

    “Your friend just had a bad day. How would you try to make them feel good?”

    Easy right? Here is how you can make it fun and interesting.

    Have each child cut out a white or blue cloud bubble on a piece of craft paper and ask them to fill it with their answer to the above question. Next, ask them to cut out a long strip of rainbow that they have made and coloured. Make them write their name on it and ask them to stick it out the cloud. Now, stick these up on your class bulletin board so everyone can read each other’s answers.

  3. Send a kindness card
  4. If you come to think of it, the word kindness comes from the word kindergarten. Fascinating is it not? You can use this fun fact as a segue to get your kids inspired to fill heart-shape cards with what they think acts of kindness are. Ask them to make a heart card out of red coloured paper and then fill it with one single example of what kindness means to them. Once everyone is done, you can put these up on the bulletin board for all to see.

  5. Have kids carry out acts of kindness
  6. You can maintain a logbook for this, and give each kid a merit or a star stamp every time they complete an act of kindness. Ask kids to carry out at least three acts of kindness. These could be anything – from giving a fellow kid in class a compliment, to helping pick up the books they have dropped, or sharing their crayons with them. Anything goes as long as it is a genuine act of kindness.

  7. Plant a tree
  8. Kindness is not just restricted to people. It extends to nature as well. One of the ways you can celebrate World Kindness Day with your kindergartners is to take them out for a gardening session. Make each of them plant a seed, and explain to them the importance of being kind to the environment. Show them how they can do their bit towards creating a kind and sustainable world.

  9. Feed birds or animals
  10. As we said, kindness is something that should extend to everyone. Another way you can celebrate World Kindness Day is to have kids paint feeding and water bowls for birds and stray dogs and cats. Once all is done, you can ask kids to fill these with water and appropriate food and place them outdoors so birds and animals can come pay a visit whenever they are thirsty or hungry.

World Kindness Day quotes

When kindness becomes a mantra, it gets easier to follow. You can put up little posters of these World Kindness Day quotes in your classroom just to remind kids that being kind is the coolest thing to do.

  • Kindness is the gift that keeps on giving.
  • A simple act of kindness can change someone’s life.
  • We rise by being kind to each other.
  • When you have nothing else to give, just be kind.
  • There is no one more beautiful in this world than a kind soul.

At EuroKids, we firmly believe in the universal language of kindness. Through our preschool curriculum, we make it a point to instil the value of kindness in kids. We teach them everything – from sharing their belongings to choosing to be kind and patient when it seems the hardest. If you are keen to know more about us and our preschool teaching methods, be sure to drop by at any of our branches that’s convenient for you.

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