
10 Roles of a Preschool Teacher

The role of a preschool teacher is not just of a teacher as they have to don many hats in a child’s early education. Apart from a teacher, they also have to be a protector, a counsellor, a nurse, a role model and a storyteller to name just a few. They help children process their emotions and alleviate fears and anxieties while supporting them in their learning and efforts to try new things. They also encourage them to recognise and pursue their interests and hobbies while being a constant support. In this blog, we will identify ten of those roles, though they are just the tip of the iceberg.

  1. Teaching Your Children
  2. The basic role of a preschool teacher is to be a facilitator of learning and act as the link through which children are introduced to learning for the first time. They involve children with the basics of reading, writing, numbers and primary scientific concepts through interactive play and other effective and creative teaching strategies. This enhances cognition, comprehension and memory and sets the stage for future learning.

  3. Being A Role Model
  4. Preschool teachers are early role models for children as they lead by example and teach them basic positive principles such as honesty, compassion, respect and how to behave politely and courteously around people. Social and moral skills are imbibed by kids from an early age as they learn about collaboration, empathy and patience. Children learn a lot from observing and pay the most attention to the behaviour of their preschool teacher as for them the teacher is respected and knowledgeable who has to be emulated.

  5. Caregiver and Protector
  6. Being away from home for the first time, a preschool teacher assumes the role of creating a comfortable atmosphere. They have to be a guardian and nurturer by providing them with an environment that is safe and comfortable which makes the kids feel loved. The child’s health, seeing that they eat their regular meals, their cleanliness and safety all come under the purview of a preschool teacher. Helping them to adjust to the new educational setting as they may feel overwhelmed is another important role of a preschool teacher.

  7. Developing Social Skills
  8. Children enjoy talking and playing with other children and it is important for a preschool teacher to ensure that the children interact with one another kindly, respectfully and with good manners. They have to make sure that no child is excluded and make it possible for all the students to be engaged in activities.

  9. Assessor of the Child’s Progress
  10. It is a never-ending task for the teacher in preschool to analyse the progress of each child and understand their strengths and weaknesses as well as areas that require improvement. Children grow at different rates hence it assists the teacher in formulating many strategies and activities that will enable them to achieve their maximum potential.

    Some children are more bold and extroverted but some kids may be introverted. However, monitoring their development enables preschool teachers to assess such children as possible learners who are behind their peers or those who need more support. This also helps them to communicate effectively with parents regarding their child’s development and learning.

  11. Communicator and Liaison
  12. One more significant task of a preschool teacher is to ensure that the communication between the school and the parents remains open. The feedback every week from them to the parents about their child’s development, behaviour and all concerns they may have is their responsibility. They work hand in hand with the parents to improve the child’s education and overall development, as well as helping them know how they can support learning and behaviour at home.

    Apart from that, a preschool teacher ensures communication between the students and with their students. They teach them how to communicate their feelings and emotions appropriately which develops their social skills.

  13. Sensory Stimulation Facilitator
  14. Preschool education to a large extent involves sensory-based learning and so the role of a preschool teacher is to be a facilitator of sensory stimulation. They engage students in myriad activities that engage all the 5 senses that help them to understand their environment and interact in it. Sensory activities promote the development of fine motor skills, memory and cognitive development.

  15. Discipline and Emergency Handler
  16. Preschool teachers have to inculcate discipline by setting down clear rules and instructions and making their expectations from the children very clear.  This is the only way to establish a structured environment for the children to blossom. Age-appropriate strategies have to be used to teach children how to follow rules. This not only helps in developing discipline, but it also teaches self-control and respect for rules among children.

    Apart from that, a preschool teacher has to be adept at handling emergencies and ensuring the safety and welfare of the children in a crisis. They need to know first aid, emergency procedures and efficient communication between parents and authorities.

  17. Motivator and Creativity Promoter
  18. The major task of the preschool teacher is to develop self-confidence in the children. These encourage the children to express their feelings, thoughts and also ideas. They raise their self-worth and image through the commendation of work done however insignificant.

    They also encourage the creativity and imagination of the children through many different activities and games that arouse curiosity in them. They make sure the classroom always looks attractive and colourful which facilitates the development of imagination and innovation. This can also be done through storytelling or using puppets and props as it’s known to develop a child’s imagination and creativity.

  19. Holistic Development Specialist
  20. One of the most difficult roles of a preschool teacher is being responsible for the holistic development of each child. It’s not only about teaching subjects and promoting cognitive skills, physical coordination, emotional skills or enhancing social skills. They are trained to understand each child’s unique developmental needs and adapt their methods accordingly.  They have to provide routine and structure to the children and give them a sense of security so that they know when and what to expect. Children learn time management when they have a schedule, so preschool teachers also help them develop a strong foundation in the important life skill of time management.

It’s amply evident that a preschool teacher has to juggle many roles to ensure the overall development of preschoolers and stay up to date with new methods and information to best help their young students. Being a preschool teacher is an essential role that includes a plethora of roles within itself. For this, a preschool teacher has to do regular research to ensure that the children in their care are getting nothing but the best. EuroKids specialises in this field and alleviates some of the pressures faced in preschool learning, so if you are looking for more information or updates, do log in to their website.

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