
Stages and Ages- Monitoring the Development of Children

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  • Stages and Ages- Monitoring the Development of Children

If you’re the parent of a newborn child, there’s certainly a lot on your plate right now! From feeding your babies, to getting them to sleep at night, there’s never a free moment.

And then one day, just when you have found the time to sit back, relax and have that cup of Java, a thought hits you. It’s more of a question, really, that goes something like this: What are the normal Child Development Stages?

In a panic, you think of the Developmental Milestones your child has already achieved, and all the rest that are to follow. You look on the Internet, and perhaps even run to the library to find a book that might help you in this regard!

Luckily for you, it doesn’t have to be so complicated. In this article, you will find everything pertaining to the subject matter of Age Developmental Stages of children.

Read on to know, if the Overall Development of your Child is on the right track!

The Types of Child Development

By now you must be raring to go, when it comes to discovering the age wise developmental milestones of children. However, it is best if we first understood the varied ‘types’ of child development.

After all, it’s the Overall development of the child that matters most!

  • Cognitive Development. The cognitive abilities of children pertain to their ability to solve problems.
  • Example: a 5 year old child learning to solve Math problems.

  • Social and Emotional Development. This one refers to their ability to relate to other people.
  • Example: Babies who are only a few months old, learning to smile at the people who are constantly around them.

  • Speech and Language Development. Of course, a newborn baby does not understand any language, other than the universal language of Love!
  • Example: A 2 year old child, who has learned to name objects!

  • Motor Skill Development. It is crucial for your baby’s muscles to develop properly. This helps to facilitate proper movements.
  • Example: An 8 month old picking up an object.

Basic Child Development: Age Developmental Stages

Basic Child Development is nothing short of being a fascinating and complex process that occurs in stages.

Presenting a look at the basic child development stages, segregated age wise

Newborn (Birth to 3 weeks)

This precious time of child development is when babies are entirely dependent on their caregivers or parents for their survival.

Developmental Milestones: At this critical juncture in their lives, babies have limited abilities. It is only through crying and a few reflexes, that they can communicate with other people.

Note: It is essential to ensure that children in this precious stage of development, get plenty of sleep and nutrition. All that healthy support and care they receive in this period, will go a long way in helping them develop into healthy toddlers.

Infant Stage (Birth to 12 months)

Your little baby is no longer an entirely helpless thing!

Developmental Milestones: This is a time of rapid growth and development in a variety of areas – physical, cognitive, emotional.

This is the time when they are learning about the world around them, through playful exploration. A time when you will see them lift their heads, crawl and eventually, walk!

Note: You want to support your child’s development here, by providing them with a healthy diet, and plenty of opportunities for play and exploration.

Toddler Stage (12 months to 3 years)

This is a time of Independence. A time when children are ever curious about the environments in which they live.

Developmental Milestones: Not only do children learn to walk at this stage, you will even find them running in open spaces and climbing trees!

Apart from enhanced physical skills, toddlers are also improving their language skills. This developmental period sees them use Words and Sentences. It is also a time when they are able to follow Simple Instructions.

Note: You want to assist in your toddler’s development, by providing them with age-appropriate toys and activities. This is also a time when you will want to set some boundaries in place, and take them to the paediatrician for regular medical checkups.

Preschool Stage (3 to 5 years)

The very idea of your child going to any kind of school, indicates that they have grown up.

Developmental Milestones: Your kid is far more independent now. They can dress on their own, use the toilet and even take care of their basic needs.

Moreover, this is a time when they are able to use the power of their imaginations, and even think logically.

Note: You might want them to get into structured routines, like Preschool or Daycare. You also want to encourage their participation in organized Sports and Activities.

School Age (6 to 12 years)

When parents find themselves talking about their child going to proper school, they often wonder where the years went by.

Developmental Milestones: Children of this age are continuously becoming coordinated, and refining their motor skills. This is also the time when they develop their social skills, and learn how to navigate complex situations.

Note: As your child develops their foundation in areas like Math and Reading, you want to start thinking of their Academic Development. By providing them with a quiet and stimulating environment, you will help them study better and secure good grades. This is also a time when you want to place good emphasis on them getting enough exercise, and falling into consistent sleep patterns.

Each of the stages that have been discussed above, are equally important where it comes to your child growing up to be a well-rounded individual. By providing the appropriate support and care for your kids, you will go a long way in helping them reach their full potential.

We at EuroKids encourage parents to take Child Development most seriously. The quality of a child’s early experiences is seen to make a critical difference in their later stages of development. It is only through your nurturing care, that your children will develop into healthy, happy individuals.