
Significance of parental involvement in Early Childhood Education.

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Parental Involvement in Early Childhood Education

Parents today are more involved in their children’s growth than ever before, except when it comes to preschool, where the involvement is less. Many parents drop their children off in the morning and then pick them up at the end of the day without giving their children’s education much thought. To get the full benefits of early childhood education and ensure the full physical and cognitive development of their children, parents must examine how they might help and involve themselves in early childhood education.

Importance of parent’s involvement in early childhood education.

During the preschool years, a child’s cognitive development is at its peak. Parents should ensure their kids have all the support they need to develop to their most significant potential by actively participating in early childhood education. The following are the key benefits of parents’ involvement in education-

  1. Positive Child Development: Parents who actively engage in early childhood education encourage their child’s healthy physical, cognitive, emotional, and social growth. Children flourish when their home and school settings provide constant encouragement, support, and direction.

  2. Academic Success: Studies repeatedly demonstrate that parental participation positively impacts kids’ academic performance. Children generally perform academically, attend school more frequently, behave better, and have a better attitude toward learning when their parents are involved. Their educational outcomes are improved by the additional reinforcement and support they receive.

  3. Parental engagement helps to ensure a child’s education is given a holistic perspective. Parents can offer unique insight into their children’s interests, talents, and difficulties. They can work with teachers to share critical data that enables successful instruction tailored to each child’s unique needs.

  4. Continuity and Consistency: By participating in early childhood education, parents can help to reinforce the ideas, abilities, and morals that are taught in school. Children can better comprehend and internalize what they learn when there is continuity between the home and school contexts. Additionally, it allows for a smooth transition between the two environments, giving the youngster a sense of security and continuity.

  5. Benefits that last a lifetime: Parental involvement in young children’s education has long-lasting consequences. According to research, kids whose parents participated in their early schooling are likely to have higher educational goals, higher school completion rates, and better overall well-being.

  6. Parental Empowerment: Participating in early childhood education increases parents’ knowledge and comprehension of their child’s developmental stages, educational techniques, and available resources, which empowers them. Thanks to this knowledge, Parents can better assist their children’s learning and effectively advocate for their needs.

Ways to encourage parents’ involvement in early childhood education 

Both children and their parents benefit when parents participate in early childhood education. Here are some tips for parents of preschoolers to participate and enhance the role of parents in the education of their children:

  1. Stay in touch frequently: Create open communication channels between parents and teachers. Inform others frequently about the child’s development, activities, and forthcoming events. Emails, newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, and specialized communication applications can all be used for this.

  2. Greeting parents as they enter the classroom: Create opportunities for parents to witness their child’s activities in the classroom. Open homes, parent observation days, or volunteer opportunities fall under this category.

  3. Offer parents information and educational materials so they may support their child’s learning at home. This can include suggested reading material, websites with instructional content, or educational games that parents can play with their kids.

  4. Co-create the goals for your child’s education by involving the parents. Talk about their educational intentions for their child and collaborate to develop a strategy to meet those objectives. Encourage parents to talk about their observations and ideas regarding their child’s growth.

  5. Parental involvement in decision-making: Ask parents for their opinions on issues about the early childhood program. This may entail asking for their thoughts on selecting the curriculum, the timetable, or the extracurricular activities. Participate parents in advisory committees or parent-teacher associations to offer them a say in decisions.

  6. Provide training and workshops for parents: Hold workshops on various early childhood education-related issues. Workshops on promoting creativity, constructive discipline methods, child development, and early literacy are some examples. Giving parents knowledge and skills improves their capacity to aid in their child’s academic development by increasing parent involvement in education.

  7. Encourage parents to engage their children in educational activities at home by offering them ideas and suggestions. Simple science experiments, creative endeavors, or engaging video games that reinforce learning principles can all fall under this category.

  8. Recognize and honor successes: Honor and recognize the successes of both kids and parents. Recognize the efforts and participation of parents in their child’s education and exhibit or perform children’s work.

  9. Establish an inviting atmosphere. Create a welcoming environment for parents that is warm and inclusive. Make sure that parents who come from all backgrounds feel included and appreciated. Provide language assistance or translation services to make communication easier for all parents.

  10. Consistently ask parents for comments on their experiences with the early childhood program. Give them the chance to voice their opinions, issues, or suggestions for change. Demonstrating that their perspectives are appreciated fosters cooperation between parents and teachers.

Early childhood educators may improve parental participation by implementing these techniques, enhancing learning outcomes, and giving kids a better educational experience.


In conclusion, parental participation in early childhood education is essential for children’s overall development and academic performance. It improves the relationship between the family and the school, encourages good communication, gives parents more control, and fosters a positive and stimulating learning environment. Together, parents and teachers can give kids the best educational start possible, preparing them for success.

At Eurokids, we actively hold meetings between teachers and parents and advise parents on enhancing parent involvement in education. Click here to learn more or to visit a Eurokids center for preschool admission for your child.