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Safeguarding Children Against Accidental Injuries

Children are like precious and beautiful little roses to their parents. As parents and caregivers, we always protect and shield our little ones from danger and accidents. However, sadly, certain small and non-serious injuries are bound to crop up occasionally and when you least expect it. Your children can suffer unexpected injuries even if you are extra careful. These injuries can arise at home, at school, or even on the playground. Sadly, unintentional childhood injuries are part and parcel of life. Apart from our obvious response to prevent them, we must learn to deal with them when they occur. Before we go into the crux of our article to understand all about unintentional injuries and how to prevent unintentional injuries, first let’s take a look at what is unintentional injury.

What Is Unintentional Injury?

Simply put, the term is rather self-explanatory. An unintentional injury is an injury that has not been consciously caused. It is when an injury takes place that is out of your control. As parents, there’s only so much that one can do to shelter their little bundles of joy. Unintentional injuries are usually minor injuries that do not pose a serious threat to the health of a child. Some of these injuries include tripping in the park, falling as a result of a misbalance, or even falling while playing on a slide or swing that is otherwise usually safe. Before we go into how you can avoid unintentional injuries, first let’s take a glimpse of the common causes of accidental injuries in children.

Common Causes Of Accidental Injuries In Children

  1. Falls
  2. Falls account for a majority of the reasons why accidental injuries occur. Infants learning to crawl and walk, and children playing in the classroom or on the field are very vulnerable to injuries caused by falls. Fortunately, most of the injuries arising from falls are not fatal but it is a good thing to keep a watchful eye on your child when they are engaged in any activity. This seemingly insignificant act can save you and your little ones a lot of pain and worry.

  3. Poisoning
  4. It’s not uncommon for children to pick up everyday objects around the house and try to consume them. Household cleaners, detergents and other such substances must be kept far away from the reach of your toddlers. One small mistake can lead to poisoning which may require a trump to the hospital. Medications and other substances that can be a danger to children must be kept under wraps. It’s not always possible to keep a watchful eye on your kid, but what you can do is ensure that your home is a safe zone for your child to move around freely without the possibility of there being a threat.

  5. Choking
  6. Somewhat closely related to poisoning, is choking. Children are curious little angels that often require supervision when playing. Many kids try to bite their toys, especially while teething. Some of these toys are made from plastic and can prove to be a choking hazard. It’s a good idea to choose toys carefully and ensure to be around your child while they are playing. However, if such an incident does occur, remember to stay calm as panic only leads to more panic.

  7. Drowning
  8. One of the more serious kinds of unintentional injuries is drowning. This usually happens when on a vacation to a beach or when swimming in a swimming pool. Believe it or not, your little ones can even drown in a bathtub when bathing them. It’s important to constantly be around them and supervise them when they are anywhere near water.

  9. Road accidents
  10. One of the most uncertain of injuries can arise from road accidents. While travelling by public or private transport, it is integral to ensure that all safety measures are taken. When in a car, be sure to use the seatbelt even if your child is placed in a car seat. All safety gear must be used to minimise the risk of injury in case of an accident.

How To Avoid Unintentional Injuries?

Now that you have a better idea of what unintentional injuries are and the different kinds of injuries that can occur, it’s important to learn how to prevent unintentional injuries. While there is no foolproof way to avoid unintentional injuries, there are suggestions and measures which can be implemented to reduce the possibility of unintentional childhood injuries.

  1. Creating awareness
  2. Parents, caregivers and teachers must be well-versed in safety measures. They must be aware of the possible risks and hazards that pose a threat to children. Seminars, workshops and other such related programmes must be arranged to spread awareness of child safety. As children grow up, they must be made aware of how to keep themselves safe. Programmes at schools should be arranged to teach children the dos and don’ts of injuries and safety measures.

  3. Childproofing your surroundings
  4. Since both choking and poisoning are a result of children consuming something, they can be avoided if your environment is childproof. You might be wondering what this term precisely means. As the name suggests, it means ensuring that any substances, furniture or toys at home are kept away from the reach of your little ones.

  5. Monitor your kids
  6. Active supervision is what is required when you are a parent or caregiver. Keeping a watch on your child while playing or performing an activity is paramount to their safety and well-being. Most unintentional injuries arise out of a lack of supervision and occasional neglect. Having a baby monitor and regular supervision over your little ones is all it takes.

  7. Learning about first aid and emergency care
  8. This doesn’t mean that you have to play doctor. However, being aware of a few simple emergency techniques can be the difference between life and death. First aid training like wound care, sterilizing a wound and performing CPR are some of the basic things which you should know. Watching educational videos on how to perform the same can be of great help.

Here at EuroKids, we try to foster a safe and happy environment for your children to bud into young adults who are responsible citizens of the country. We strive to achieve our goal by focusing on indoor as well as outdoor activities that are both co-curricular and academic. A blend of book knowledge with practical experience empowers your children to learn from their surroundings through first-hand experiences. If you want to learn more about child safety and child health, be sure to visit our blog.

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