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Nutritional Choices for Infants and Young Children When They Have a Fever

Fevers in infants and young children can be a concerning time for parents and caregivers. During such times, the right nutritional choices are crucial to aid the child’s recovery. This article aims to guide parents on the appropriate diet during fever for a child, focusing on baby food during fever, and incorporating Indian food options suitable for babies. We will also explore various food choices for kids during fever and conclude with a note from EuroKids, reflecting our commitment to child health and wellbeing.

Understanding Fever in Children

A fever is the body’s natural response to infection or illness. In young children, even a mild fever can be a sign of a more serious condition. It is essential to first seek medical advice to understand the cause of the fever and follow appropriate treatment. Alongside medical care, nutrition plays a vital role in supporting a child’s immune system and providing the energy needed for recovery.

Nutritional Needs During Fever

When a child has a fever, their metabolic rate increases, which can lead to a loss of appetite. However, it is vital to maintain adequate nutrition and hydration. Simple, easy-to-digest foods are generally recommended.


Hydration is paramount. Fever can lead to dehydration, especially if accompanied by sweating, vomiting, or diarrhoea. Offer small amounts of fluids frequently. This can include breast milk or formula for infants and water, oral rehydration solutions, or diluted fruit juices for older children.

Baby Food During Fever

For infants, continue with breast milk or formula as they provide essential nutrients. If the baby is on solid foods, opt for bland, soft foods like mashed bananas, rice cereal, or pureed fruits. These are gentle on the stomach and easy to swallow.

Food for Kids During Fever

For older children, the focus should be on small, frequent, and nutritious meals. Options include:

  1. Soups:
  2. Warm, broth-based soups can be soothing and hydrating.

  3. Soft fruits:
  4. Such as melons, peaches, or pears.

  5. Boiled vegetables:
  6. Easy to digest and rich in nutrients.

  7. Toast or crackers:
  8. For those who can tolerate solid food.

  9. Yoghurt:
  10. A good source of probiotics.

    Avoid spicy, fried, or fatty foods as they can be hard to digest.

Indian Food During Fever for Babies

In Indian households, khichdi (a rice and lentil dish), dal (lentil soup), and rice are excellent choices. They are nutritious, comforting, and easy to digest. Soft idlis (steamed rice cakes) and moong dal ka paani (split green gram soup) are also beneficial.

  1. Khichdi
  2. Khichdi, a staple in many Indian households, is an excellent choice for babies during fever. Made from rice and lentils, it is rich in carbohydrates and protein, essential for energy and recovery. You can make khichdi more palatable and nutritious by adding a small amount of ghee and mild spices like turmeric, known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

  3. Moong Dal Soup
  4. Moong dal (split green gram) soup is another excellent option. It’s light, easily digestible, and provides essential nutrients without being heavy on the stomach. Cook the dal with a pinch of turmeric and salt, and blend it to a suitable consistency.

  5. Rice Porridge
  6. Rice porridge or rice water is soothing and hydrating. It’s simple to prepare – just cook rice in a higher water ratio until it’s soft and mushy. You can add a bit of salt for taste.

  7. Curd Rice
  8. Curd rice is comforting and provides probiotics, which are beneficial for gut health. It’s simply cooked rice mixed with curd and a little salt. Ensure the curd is fresh and not too sour.

Diet for Children During Fever

For older children, the diet can be more varied, but the focus should remain on easy-to-digest, nutritious foods.

  1. Vegetable Soup
  2. A light vegetable soup made with carrots, potatoes, and beans is full of essential nutrients and is hydrating. You can add mild seasonings like cumin for flavor.

  3. Fruit Smoothies
  4. Fruit smoothies made with yogurt and mild fruits like bananas or mangoes can be both nutritious and appealing to a child with a fever.

  5. Oatmeal
  6. Oatmeal is easy on the stomach and can be made more nutritious with the addition of fruits like apples or pears.

Easy Recipes for Babies with Fever

Simple Khichdi

  • 1/4 cup rice
  • 1/4 cup moong dal
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ghee
  • Salt to taste

Wash rice and dal and cook with 2 cups of water, turmeric, and salt. Once cooked, mash it well, add ghee, and serve warm.

Banana Rice Mash

  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/4 cup cooked rice
  • A pinch of cinnamon (optional)

Mash the banana and mix it with the cooked rice. Add a pinch of cinnamon for flavor.

Moong Dal Soup

  • 1/4 cup moong dal
  • A pinch of turmeric
  • Salt to taste

Cook the dal with turmeric and salt until soft. Blend it to a smooth consistency and serve warm.

These simple, nutritious recipes can help ensure that your baby or child receives the necessary nourishment during a fever. The key is to focus on foods that are easy to digest, comforting, and full of essential nutrients to aid in their recovery.

Importance of Soft and Hygienic Preparation

When preparing food for a sick child, it’s crucial to maintain hygiene to prevent further illness. Ensure all ingredients are fresh and properly washed, and the food is cooked at the right temperature. For babies and young children, food should be mashed or pureed to the right consistency to avoid any choking hazards.

Adjusting Portions and Frequency

Children with a fever may not feel like eating much. It’s important to respect their appetite and offer smaller, more frequent meals or snacks. Forcing a child to eat can lead to discomfort and an aversion to food.

Monitoring for Allergic Reactions

Introducing new foods during illness should be done cautiously, especially if the child has a history of allergies. Keep an eye out for any adverse reactions and stick to foods that the child is already familiar with and has tolerated well in the past.

Consultation with Healthcare Professionals

Always consult with a pediatrician or healthcare professional regarding your child’s diet, particularly during illness. They can provide personalized advice based on the child’s health condition, dietary needs, and recovery process.

Special Considerations

Each child’s situation is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Pay close attention to any signs of food intolerance or allergies, especially when introducing new foods during illness.

The Role of Vitamins and Minerals

While focusing on easy-to-digest foods, don’t overlook the importance of vitamins and minerals. Foods rich in Vitamin C (like oranges and strawberries) and Zinc (like nuts and seeds) can support the immune system. However, avoid over-supplementation, especially in young children, without consulting a healthcare professional.

Feeding a child during a fever can be challenging, but with the right choices, parents can significantly aid their child’s recovery. Remember to focus on hydration, easy-to-digest foods, and maintaining a balanced intake of nutrients. Most importantly, always follow the guidance of a healthcare provider regarding the child’s overall care during illness.

At EuroKids, we understand the importance of nutrition in a child’s development, especially during times of illness. Our commitment to nurturing young minds includes ensuring their physical well-being, and we stand by parents in making informed nutritional choices for their children’s health.

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