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Mouthing in Babies: Reasons and When to Stop

‘My Baby Puts  everything in their Mouth!’

A common refrain, heard from just about every other Mother! If you’re one of those mothers, let us soothe you firstly by saying that it’s perfectly ‘normal’!

It’s true. From that rubber duckie they splash about in the bathtub with, to your mobile phone, nothing is quite off limits, when it comes to ‘Mouthing in Babies.’ And no, that is no term we invented. Rather, it’s a long-established term used to describe the rampant phenomenon of Babies Putting Things into their Mouths!

Luckily for you, we at EuroKids have you covered where it comes to all things related to ‘Mouthing in Babies’. From learning How to Stop Your Baby Putting Fingers in their Mouth, to answering the question ‘Why Do Babies Put Fingers in their Mouth’ and even, ‘When do Babies Stop Putting Things in their Mouth’, this article endeavors to answer all your queries.

Get started with that foray into Mouthing in Babies, with a closer look at the phenomenon that might have you ‘pulling your hair out’ at times!

Table of Contents

Mouthing in Babies: A Closer Examination

We all know what Mouthing in Babies is, but when can you expect to start witnessing it before your eyes?

The thumb rule is, babies typically start mouthing when they are around 4 months of age. This is the time when they are able to bring their hands to their mouths, in an attempt to suck on their fingers. If you have seen this habit of finger-sucking in much older kids, you now know where it originated!

Thankfully, the answer to the question ‘When do Babies Stop Putting things in their Mouth’, is ‘when they are around 3 years of age’!

Before we take a look at How to Stop Baby Putting Fingers in their Mouth, it would be prudent to understand the ‘why’ of Mouthing in Babies. Let’s move on to the next section, to get the lowdown on just that!

The Why of Mouthing in Babies: Understanding Why Do Babies Put Fingers in their Mouth

Believe it or not, but there are tangible reasons behind Babies putting things in their Mouths.

  1. Exploring the World
  2. Unlike older children, babies are largely left to their ‘lips’ and ‘mouths’, to get a ‘taste’ of the world around them. While they cannot really ‘squeeze’ or ‘stroke’ something, what they are adept at doing is putting random objects into their mouths, in an attempt to ascertain if it is ‘hard’, ‘smooth’ or even ‘furry’!

  3. A Means to Soothe Themselves
  4. Move over ‘pacifier’, Baby’s ‘fingers’ are here! One of the primal reasons your Baby puts everything in their Mouth, is because they are seeking a sense of ‘comfort’. And Comfort is among Baby’s top needs, mind you!

  5. Helps to relieve the pain from Teething
  6. This is your baby taking that ‘soothing’ effect of Mouthing, to another level altogether!

    Note: Babies are smarter than we give them credit for. Just before a tooth is erupting, you will find them stuffing their mouths with even more objects. That’s because, in all probability, they have discovered that by applying pressure to the gums, they can relieve the pain from Teething!

How to Stop Baby Putting Fingers in their Mouth

Generally speaking, Mouthing in Babies is safe. The only thing you need to do is keep an eye out for objects that pose as potential choking hazards.

That being said, the thought of all that finger-sucking turning into a habit that persists over time, is not a most pleasurable one for parents. Presenting some tips that will help you learn How to Stop Baby Putting Fingers in their Mouth.

  1. Feed them
  2. This might sound terribly simple, but it’s probably one of the most effective things you could do. Your baby is likely sucking on their fingers, because they are plain and simple hungry!

    To do: Breastfeed them at once, or whip out that bottle of Formula!

  3. Hand them a Soft Toy
  4. If they are putting their fingers in their mouths, it’s probably because they have no better alternative!

    To do: Hand them their favorite soft toy. If you’re lucky enough, they won’t even find the need to put it in their mouth!

  5. Give them a Cold Teething Ring
  6. If you suspect the reason your baby is putting their fingers in their mouth is because of ‘teething’ issues, you can definitely provide them with a better option.

    To do: Give them a cold teething ring that they can chew on. That will not only alleviate their pain, but ensure their mouth is ‘Finger Free’!

Mouthing in Babies: Some Safety Tips

You can never be too careful,  with respect to Mouthing in Babies. The following are a few tips, to help ensure Baby stays safe even after putting everything under the Sun into their mouths!

  1. Run a Safety Scan regularly
  2. You must check every now and then,  to see if there are any dangerous things your baby might be prone to putting into their mouths.

  3. Regular Vacuuming
  4. Sometimes, even the tiniest of things can end up choking babies. To that extent, regular vacuuming of the house will most certainly help.

  5. Learn Baby CPR
  6. Taking a course for this is not a bad idea at all. Even though you are most careful, you might just need it someday. After all, Baby Puts literally ‘Everything’ in their Mouth!

We at EuroKids believe that Mouthing in Babies is a perfectly natural phenomenon that is integral to their Learning and Development. Clearly, not one for parents to get paranoid about! We hope this article has served to allay some of your fears vis a vis Mouthing in Babies. Use the tips in this article, to help make the process smoother and safer!