
Healthy Ice Cream Recipes for Babies and Kids

No doubt, store-bought tubs of ice cream taste delectable. However, abundant added sugar and artificial extras make most poor picks for little ones. Luckily, you can effortlessly craft healthier options right at home using natural ingredients that kids will relish just as much. The great part is kids absolutely relish the cold, fruity sweetness just as much!

The key when developing homemade ice cream recipes for little ones is focusing mainly on natural foods like fresh fruit, dairy products, vegetables, and small amounts of natural sweeteners. Not only does this allow you to control the quality of components going into the desserts, but you can cater flavors specifically for each child’s preferences. Babies tend to love simpler, smoother blends focusing on mild flavors, while young kids get more adventurous with textures and combinations in fun, interactive creations.

With just a little preparation time and basic kitchen tools, whipping up nutritious frozen treats the whole family will “scream” for is simple. This article will provide tips and tricks for making baby’s first introduction to ice cream delightful. It will also cover creative, tasty recipes school-aged children can help concoct themselves, sneaking in health benefits into a much-loved dessert.

Tips for Making Baby Ice Cream:

When making homemade ice cream to introduce to your baby for the first time, there are a few things to keep in mind:

Start with single-ingredient ice creams. Focus on fruits or vegetables to get your baby used to cold and sweet flavors. Great starter options include frozen banana or avocado.

Make sure any ingredients are Puréed very smoothly without any chunks or texture. Babies can easily choke, so no mix-ins.

Check temperature before serving to prevent harm to the baby’s sensitive mouth and gums.

Introduce slowly and look for any signs of an allergic reaction when trying new foods.

Don’t add any sweeteners at first when introducing flavors. The natural sweetness of most fruits or vegetables is enough.

Simple Single Ingredient Baby Ice Cream Recipes:

Here are two straightforward recipes to make a baby’s first ice cream using just bananas or avocado:

Banana Ice Cream:


  • 2 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced
  • 1-2 tbsp breastmilk or formula (optional)


  • Place banana slices in the freezer overnight or until solidly frozen.
  • Blend in a food processor or blender until smooth and creamy.
  • If it is too thick, add breastmilk or formula 1 tbsp at a time to reach the desired consistency.
  • Avocado Ice Cream


  • 1 ripe avocado, pit and skin removed
  • 1 tbsp breastmilk or formula


  • Scoop avocado into a plastic freezer bag and flatten. Freeze overnight until firm.
  • Add frozen avocado and breastmilk/formula to a food processor or blender.
  • Blend until smooth, stopping to scrape down sides if needed. Serve immediately.

Fruit and Vegetable Ice Creams for Kids:

Once your kids have tried basic ice cream flavors, you can start experimenting with fruit and vegetable versions for cold, sweet treats loaded with nutrients. These recipes use honey, yogurt, or nut butter to add creaminess and sweetness:

Strawberry Banana Ice Cream:

  • 1 1/2 c chopped frozen bananas
  • 1 c frozen strawberries
  • 1⁄4 c plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • Purée, all ingredients together until smooth.

Peach Raspberry Swirl Ice Cream:

  • 2 frozen chopped peaches
  • 1 c frozen raspberries
  • 1⁄3 c cashew butter
  • 3 tbsp maple syrup: Blend peaches, cashew butter, and maple syrup. Then swirl in raspberries.

Sweet Potato Ice Cream:

  • 1 baked sweet potato, peeled and mashed
  • 1 frozen banana, chopped
  • 1⁄4 c almond milk
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp honey. Blend all ingredients until fully incorporated and creamy.

Pumpkin Ice Cream:

  • 15oz can pure pumpkin purée
  • 1 14oz can of coconut milk
  • 1⁄4 c maple syrup
  • 2 tsp pumpkin spice Mix ingredients together and pour into a frozen ice cream maker. Churn per manufacturer’s instructions.

Pro Tips:

To take these recipes to the next level, try these optional ideas:

  • Make it thicker and creamier by using full-fat coconut milk and an ice cream maker if possible. The frozen bowl helps create that silky texture.
  • Mix in healthy, crunchy toppings once finished. Great add-ins include chopped nuts, shredded coconut, oats, pumpkin or sunflower seeds. Let kids help top their own bowls.
  • Make homemade waffle bowls for serving instead of cones by baking batter in rounds in a waffle iron. Then, let kids design their own sundaes by filling sweet bowls with scoops.
  • Turn it into a fun activity by letting kids help pour and blend the ingredients. They’ll be excited to enjoy “their” special treat creation.

Ice cream offers the perfect opportunity to pump up nutrition for kids by creatively incorporating healthy extras into the recipes. For example, try blending nutrient-dense nut butter, Greek yogurt, avocado, and dairy-free alternative milk like almond or cashew. You can also sneak extra veggies into flavors by puréeing into smooth batters. Kids will be none the wiser while enjoying chilled sweetness!

Get innovative with combinations, and invite children to design their own out-of-the-carton sundae masterpieces. Set up a colorful DIY topping bar with bowls of dried fruit, toasted coconut or nuts, seeds, and shaved chocolate. Encouraging independence and engagement around assembling personalized desserts makes the experience even more exciting for little ones. The more you involve kids in preparing and decorating their own special frozen treats, the more likely they are to enthusiastically eat up both the process and the product!

Hidden Cauliflower Ice Cream:

  • 1 head cauliflower, riced (about 3 cups)
  • 2 bananas, sliced and frozen
  • 1 cup cashew milk
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Pinch of salt
  • Blend all ingredients until smooth and creamy white in texture. Kids will never suspect they’re eating cauliflower!

Nutty Chocolate Ice Cream:

  • 15 oz. can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  • 1/3 cup nut butter
  • 1/3 cup cacao or cocoa powder
  • 1⁄4 cup maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • Pinch salt
  • Process everything together until smooth, scraping sides as needed. Freeze, then scoop into bowls.

Berry Cheesecake Bites:

  • 16 oz cottage cheese
  • 1 cup frozen mixed berries
  • 2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • Blend the first 3 ingredients until smooth. Stir in vanilla. Pour into mini muffin tins lined with paper cups. Freeze, then pop out for handheld treats.

Custom Ice Cream Sundae Bar:

Please set up a topping bar and let the kids design their own sundaes for an interactive dessert activity. Provide ingredients like:

  • Granola, coconut flakes, crushed graham crackers
  • Diced fruit like berries, pineapple, mango
  • Nuts and seeds like walnuts, pecans, hemp hearts
  • Dairy-free chocolate chips, cacao nibs
  • Nut butters, honey, maple syrup for drizzling

Creating homemade ice cream gives kids agency over designing their own nutrient-packed frozen delicacies. Set out bowls with inventive mix-ins like fruit, nuts, seeds, and coconut, and let imaginations run wild constructing sundaes. You can even organize weekly “Sundae Sundays” for a special family dessert tradition. For parties, a DIY topping bar makes a splendiferous hands-on activity children will “scream” about.

The possibilities are endless when whipping up baby-friendly and fun recipes in your own kitchen. Babies relish the sweet creaminess of simple purees, introducing new flavors and textures, while preschoolers pride themselves in concocting colorful, towering treats. Not only will little ones be excited to eat tailor-made bowls, but you’ll beam knowing ingredients nurture growth and avoid allergies. Healthy, homemade ice cream engages kids’ creativity and independence – now that’s something every parent wants to celebrate! Get creative with produce and let your little ones join in on the kitchen fun!

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