
Child Water Safety: Essential Tips to Prevent Drowning at Home

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  • Child Water Safety: Essential Tips to Prevent Drowning at Home

Did you know that water accidents are one of the leading causes of death of children in the world?

When it comes to the safety of a child, no parent or caretaker leaves any stone unturned but there are many common causes of death in children; drowning is the second on that list (birth defects being at the top). To make matters worse, it kills quickly and silently even in the shallowest of waters. This makes it very important to know child water safety tips to save our children in water outside (such as a pool or beach) and even at home.

Have you ever wondered ‘How to prevent drowning at home?’

Ensuring Child Water Safety – 4 Must- Know Drowning Facts in Children and Precautionary Measures

There are many types of drownings depending upon the type of incident that has happened.

  1. Fatal and Non-Fatal Drowning
  2. The major two types of drowning are fatal and non-fatal. Fatal drowning results in death while a person survives in non-fatal drowning but might end up with no injuries to severe injuries like brain and lung damage or permanent disability.

    Did you know you can take measures at home to prevent water accidents with your children?

  3. Water-related Risks for Children
  4. An infant is first introduced to water during its bath. Though they are bathed in sinks or specially designed tubs, safety needs to be always practised. Infants lack good head and neck control and hence lifting them quickly from the water, in case of an incident, can be tricky. Keeping towels and other necessary items within reach is very important so that the parents or the carers do not have to leave the child unattended even for a little while. Therefore, water-related risks for children is one of the crucial drowning facts that parents must know to prevent them from water accidents.

  5. Essential Home Supervision
  6. As the child grows and learns to crawl and explore things around him, it becomes important to ‘childproof’ the house. Simple things such as toilets, buckets of water, and kiddie pools can now be hazardous. So this baby drowning prevention at home is necessary. Toddlers who are still learning to walk can easily find their way to the nearby tub or pool and may be at risk of falling in. Many parents start swimming lessons quite early, adult supervision around the house and pools is essential. Some baby drowning prevention includes covering the water containers, keeping the bathrooms locked, covering the pools with mesh, or having a fence around them.

  7. Essential Outdoor Supervision
  8. When outside, such as public pools or beaches, active supervision becomes the key to child water safety. This means keeping a watch on your kids constantly; not just a glance while you are doing your activities, but watching them all the time. Most often than not, drowning happens silently and quickly. Do not expect the children to yell for help or splash water around to get attention. Therefore, essential outdoor supervision is an essential drowning fact that parents must know to safeguard their children from water accidents.

“Teach kids to face the water so they can see if a big wave is coming. Teach kids that if they’re being pulled out from shore by a rip current or undertow, they should yell for help and then swim parallel to the shore (alongside the shore) until they don’t feel like they’re being pulled out anymore.”

– Amy Anzilotti, M.D

How to Prevent Drowning Accidents at Home? 7 Safety Measures to Take  

Water safety measures inside the home should be practised every day by all the members residing in the house. Here are 7 essential water safety tips that can be practised at home:

  1. Whoever is bathing the baby should keep all the necessities within arm’s reach and not divert the attention from the child even for a little while.
  2. Many of the things like locking the bathroom or covering water buckets need to become not just priorities but habits to prevent drowning accidents at home.
  3. All containers of water (big and small) need to be out of reach of infants and toddlers at all times.
  4. Tubs should be drained completely after every bath.
  5. Toilets should be covered and seat cover locks should be installed while child-proofing the house.
  6. Kiddie pools either should be drained after use and not be kept out as rainwater may accumulate in them creating another hazard.
  7. Backyard pools should have a fence that is at least 4 feet high and should surround the pool. This fence should also be kept locked when the pool is not in use.

How to Prevent Drowning Accidents Outside? 4 Key Steps to Follow

When you are taking your children out for a swim outside, then watching them all the time becomes imperative; whether your children know how to swim or not. Here are 4 tips to prevent your child from drowning outside your home premises.

  1. When you are at a public pool, water park, or beach please understand that your or your child’s safety is not the responsibility of the lifeguard alone.
  2. A child under the age of 5 should be at your arm’s distance and a child under 10 years should be always in your sight.
  3. Wearing life jackets while at water bodies or while riding a boat or any other water vehicle is another way to prevent drowning accidents.
  4. Even if the children are playing near the water, it is advisable to make them wear life jackets as they can turn towards the water at any moment for various reasons. This should be practised even when you are at water parks, as there are several areas of the park where the full view is not accessible due to different positionings of the slides.

Water Safety Tips for Kids at Home

At home, as the child grows, teach them that being around water containers is not a good idea. Going to the kiddie pool or backyard pool is dangerous. Though infants or toddlers might be too young to understand fully, they learn things from the adults around them and how they behave around certain things such as water bodies.

As a parent of an infant or a toddler, it is a good idea for you to learn to swim yourself. Other than this, learning CPR and first aid can come in handy in case of any untoward incident. Teaching your children swimming at an early age (maybe after the first birthday) can help prevent such incidents and is a major water safety tip for kids. Even for small kids, tips such as how to keep their heads above the water’s surface can be very helpful. Tell your kids about the dangers of being in or near water and practising safety is important. Also, teach them what to do when they are drowning – keep calm, try to float, and wave their hand to signal for help.

Make a habit of reading safety signs at public pools, water parks, or other water bodies, and also teach your children to do so. Telling them the difference between various water areas and how to behave around such places is vital. Checking for weather conditions before going out for a swim can be a very handy tip. When at a beach or a river, make sure that you and the children understand the relevance of tides and water currents. Even if the children are confident in their swimming skills, make them understand that swimming without adult supervision can still be perilous.


Water accidents with children happen instantly, so it is essential to be aware of preventive measures for parents. In this article, we have addressed water safety tips at home and outside premises for your children. We have also provided you with tips to prevent drowning. Now, it’s your turn – please share your suggestions on how to prevent drowning at home.

We, at EuroKids, understand being with your children at a pool or a beach is a fun way to bond and spend quality time with them. Knowing about the dangers around these water bodies is vital and so are the safety measures of being in or around them. We believe that as a parent everyone will try to learn these safety measures and impart them to their children as well. Needless to say, when you are equipped with these tips, every water adventure will be a safe and fun trip to cherish.

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