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What is the correct AC temperature for a newborn baby?

Summer is here and naturally; the temperatures have begun to soar… This leads to understandable worries about the well-being and comfort of your little munchkin. One question that plagues many new parents is whether using an air conditioner (AC) is safe for their newborn? Rather, what is the correct AC temperature for a newborn baby?

Newborns and younger infants have trouble maintaining a consistent body temperature. This puts the little ones at risk for heat-related ailments like heat rash, dehydration, fatigue, and even heat stroke if they are in a hot environment for too long! According to several experts, a properly cooled and aired environment helps your infant sleep easily. An excessively cold room, on the other hand, could dramatically reduce your baby’s body temperature and chill your infant.

In this perplexing world of information, we will delve into the intricacies of AC for a newborn baby, safeties regarding the same, and the best room temperature for your little bundle of joy. So, strap in as we explore this topic with a high degree of perplexity and burstiness.

What is a baby’s optimal body temperature?

A newborn baby’s typical body temperature ranges from 96.8 to 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. If your baby’s temperature exceeds 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit, he or she is feverish. So, if you use an air conditioner or a cooler in your baby’s room, keep track of their body temperature.

AC Temperature for a Newborn Baby: The Perfect Balance

Undoubtedly, parents work hard to keep their babies comfortable. The first thing that comes to mind for any parent is how to create the ideal room temperature in which the infant can sleep. If you reside in a warm-weather country, you will most certainly use air conditioners and coolers frequently.

However, finding the right AC temperature for a newborn baby can be a perplexing task. You do know that with such a delicate immune system and an underdeveloped ability to regulate body temperature, a newborn’s well-being is incredibly fragile, right? Several research findings suggest that the ideal temperature range for infants lies between 20-22° C.

No parent wants their infant to feel too hot or too chilly. Experts recommend keeping your new-born’s room temperature between 23 and 27 degrees Celsius. If there is no thermostat in the room, you can use a room thermometer to check the temperature. Moreover, it is important to keep the room temperature stable and avoid sudden, drastic changes. Consider using a thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature. Another tip is to keep the AC vents clean and use a high-quality air filter to ensure good air quality for your baby.

AC for your baby’s room: Ensuring Safety and Comfort

When considering an AC for your child’s room, it’s crucial to prioritize safety, comfort, and energy efficiency. Invest in an air conditioner with adjustable settings, and consider features like a built-in timer or a sleep mode to ensure the AC doesn’t run continuously. This will help maintain a comfortable environment while conserving energy.

In addition to maintaining the right temperature, it’s essential to monitor humidity levels. Excess humidity can lead to respiratory issues and mould growth, while low humidity can cause dry skin and nasal congestion. Devices like a hygrometer can help you track humidity levels, and a humidifier or dehumidifier can be used to maintain the optimal range of temperature.

AC Temperature for Newborn Baby: A Puzzling Quest for Comfort

Standardly, the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests maintaining a baby’s room temperature between 20°C and 22°C. However, you will need to adjust the temperature based on your baby’s comfort and behaviour.

Look for signs that your baby is too hot or too cold. There are some telltale signs such as fussiness, sweating, or cold hands and feet. Remember, it’s crucial to dress your baby appropriately and avoid overbuilding or overheating. A general rule of thumb is to dress your baby in one more layer than you would wear to feel comfortable.

As your child grows, their temperature preferences might change. It’s essential to adapt and maintain a comfortable environment that suits their evolving needs.

Ideal AC Temperature for New-born: An Ever-evolving Journey

  1. Get your AC or cooler regularly serviced
  2. Speak to the service centre or check the manual for details on how and when servicing should be done.

  3. Keep your baby well moisturised
  4. You’ve probably heard that dipping an earbud in baby oil and gently swiping it in each nostril will help avoid nose bleeds caused by dry nasal passages. However, before applying any oil to your baby’s nostrils, consult with your doctor.

  5. Do not take your baby to a warm place immediately after leaving an air-conditioned room
  6. The sudden temperature changes may cause your baby to get sick. Instead, switch off the AC and give him time to get used to the outside temperature.

  7. Keep your baby away from the direct blast of cold air from the AC or cooler
  8. Wear light layers that cover your baby’s arms and legs. This will insulate your infant from the cold air. You might try a light cap for his head and light cotton stockings or booties for his feet. If you intend to use a light blanket, tuck it below his elbows to prevent concealing his face. Your kid should, ideally, wear one more layer than you and should not be worn too warmly for the environment or bundled too tightly.


Navigating the perplexities of AC use with a newborn can be a challenging journey. Is there a perfect AC temperature for kids? Maybe not. It is impossible to figure out the right AC temperature for a newborn baby. Nonetheless, by closely monitoring your child and taking appropriate measures, you can make sure they remain safe and cosy.

Remember to maintain a consistent room temperature, invest in an energy-efficient AC, and monitor humidity levels. As your child grows, it’s important to change their needs and wants. By following these guidelines and keeping an open line of communication with your paediatrician, you can confidently create a cosy and secure space for your newborn, ensuring their health and happiness as they blossom into curious and lively kids. Cherish the ever-changing adventure of being a parent, and savour the happiness and affection that comes from nurturing a happy and healthy child.

At Eurokids, we ensure the safety, fun, and best learning experience for your kid. As you look after your child at home, rest assured that we’ll care for them when they’re with us.

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