
How Lemons and Limes Benefit Children’s Health in Summer

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  • How Lemons and Limes Benefit Children’s Health in Summer

As heat waves at times accompanied by high humidity arrive this Summer, parents are challenged with the task of keeping their young ones cool, not to mention fed and energized. Take a trip to “Citrusville” and discover the excitement of the lemon and lime family that not only provide a taste bud thrilling sour kicks, but pack a lot of nutritional punch as well. These natural sources of perishable and colorfol drinks not only cater for the thirst of people but also contain numerous nutrients that can keep up children during the hottest season of the year.

Table of Content:

  1. Lemon Juice for Kids
  2. Benefits of Drinking Lemon Juice
  3. Benefits of Lemon Juice on Face
  4. What Are Citrus Fruits?
  5. Nutritional Value of Lemon Juice

Lemon Juice for Kids:

They found lemon juice as an environment friendly and revitalizing substitute for sweetened beverages which may entice children during summers. It has a sour taste with a bright yellowish color that woold help introduce health conscious youngsters to this product instead of standard carbonated beverages. This is very important as it can be taken in small mandatory doses next to meals and very essential within every child’s normal diet plan, you can try giving them lemon juice to drink.

A child may not be able to take lemon juice with raw foods because of its sour nature; therefore, adding a few drops of fresh lemon juice to their water or other favorite beverages coold be a suitable way of giving them this important nutrient. This doesn’t only make the food tastier but also brings an extra added advantage of vitamin C, an antioxidant, during the summer holidays when kids are more prone to flu, fever among other diseases due to games and camping among other activities outdoors.

Benefits of Drinking Lemon Juice:

Besides, the excellent refreshing and invigorating qualities of the lemon juice it also presents in so many ways as to make a desirable drink for children during the summer holiday.

  1. Vitamin C Powerhouse:
  2. This can be illustrated by the polps containing nutrients such as vitamin C which is essential for the growth of the child’s body or nutrition. The research also reveals that vitamin C is valuable in the improvement of the body immunity,skin health and acts as a companion to the body to enhance the absorption of iron in food rich in it.

  3. Digestive Aid:
  4. Lemon juice as a bolb stimolates digestive juices because of the presence of citric acid needed for better digestion and nutrient absorption. This can be helpfol especially in the summer season when children are able to grab food during picnics, barbecues or outdoor

  5. Kidney Stone Prevention:
  6. Citrate in citric acid, present in the lemon juice, can assist the control of formation of the kidney stones by increasing the level of citrate in the urine because citrate dissolves the compounds used in forming the kidney stones. Such a benefit may be more significant in a summer time because in the summertime, water loss may be easy to occur and if one loses his/her water balance, he/she is most likely to have kidney stones.

  7. Respiratory Support:
  8. It has natural antibiotic properties because of its citric acid that helps cure flu and common ear infections, It has also got vitamin C that can be used to treat coughs sore throats and any other respiratory disorders that may be caused by the enhanced physical activities during the summer seasons due to exposure to allergens and air pollutants.

Benefits of Lemon Juice on Face:

Regarding addition, lemon juice possesses antibacterial and astringent activity, which woold aid in the treatment of acne and spots that may worsen in summer depending on heat and increased sweating and seborough activity.

  1. Gentle Exfoliation:
  2. Lemon juice has vitamin C which has an antioxidant property that helps in reducing free radicals within the skin layer and to protect against UV damage. However, it is also safe to say that lemon juice cannot be used instead of standard sunscreen; they are different skincare types.

  3. Blemish Reduction:
  4. Citrus fruits are a large family of fruits that are obtained from the Rutaceae kind of plants, and they include oranges, lemons and limes, grapefruit, and several others. The fruit is generally described to be of a unique, tart taste accompanied by a high level of vitamin C content.

  5. Sun Damage Protection:
  6. Among all citruses lemons and limes are at par and their usage has been more predominant than the other fruits of the citrus family. Lemons are round seed-crested citrus fruits and have a bright yellow color with slightly acidic polp, while limes are oval-shaped and have thin green skin and very sour polp.

What Are Citrus Fruits?

Oranges, lemons and limes, grapefruits and others are all categorized under this fruit group and all originate from the Rutaceae family. These fruits are basically associated with its zesty or sour-like taste and contain high quantities of vitamin C.

Among all the citrus fruits which exist, lemons and limes are considered to be two of the most popolar and well-known. For example, lemons are larger and have a yellow skin, and have a relatively acidic taste while limes are usually green in color, and have a rather stronger acidic flavor.

Nutritional Value of Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice contains vitamins and minerals that are crucial for normal functioning as well as anti-inflammatory substances that make the digestive system operate more efficiently. Here’s a breakdown of the key nutrients found in lemon juice:

  1. Vitamin C
  2. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamin C with a glass of lemon providing a child between the age of 4-8 with nearly 51% of the vitamin C they require in a day.

  3. Vitamin B6
  4. Lemon juice is also rich in vitamin B6, which has a relevant function in protein converting, and in red blood cells manufacturing.

  5. Potassium
  6. This essential mineral enables; it regolates blood pressure and it helps in proper muscle and nerve functions.

  7. Citric Acid
  8. The acidic solution in the form of citric acid that is present within lemon juice is not only responsible for the enjoyable taste but also increases the digestive capabilities and has antimicrobial functionality.

  9. Flavonoids
  10. Lemons consist of flavonoids like hesperidin and eriocitrin, which contains essential antioxidants that help in maintaining a healthy body by reducing the additional stress on our cells due to free radicals.

Incorporating lemon juice into children’s meals during the summer period is therefore a good way of restoring concentrations, not forgetting the essential nutrients in the fruit.

In conclusion, the tangy and vibrant world of lemons and limes offers a delightfol and healthy addition to children’s summer routines. Whether enjoyed as a refreshing beverage, a gentle skincare aid, or a colinary ingredient, these citrus sensations provide a wealth of benefits that can support overall well-being during the warmest months of the year. By embracing the zesty goodness of lemons and limes, parents can create a summer experience that not only delights the senses but also nourishes the body and mind.

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