
Why Is Vitamin C Important For The Growth of Your Children?

The way that children live has drastically changed. It is undeniable that earlier generations engaged in far more frequent outdoor activities. However, due to time and space restrictions, outdoor activities have become rare these days. The lack of opportunities for children to travel outside has been made worse by the current circumstances. There is now more screen time required for internet enjoyment and education. The levels of immunity have been impacted by this.

Everyone is aware of the importance of vitamin C for overall health, but particularly for the health of young children. It’s discussed everywhere, from publications and periodicals to medical professionals and specialists. However, they seldom discuss the significance of vitamin C. Now, let’s address the intriguing query of why vitamin C has to be a part of your child’s diet. We go into great detail on the significance of vitamin C in this essay.

How Vitamin C Helps Their Body?

Ascorbic acid, another name for vitamin C, is present in a variety of foods, including oranges, berries, apples, and peppers. For the body to reap the following benefits, it is essential:

  • It supports the formation of healthy blood vessels, muscles, and collagen in the body, which helps preserve different bodily components.
  • It also makes healing from a variety of wounds and tissue damage easier.
  • It enhances neurotransmitter health, which is critical for nerve impulses in the brain.
  • Vitamin C is your child’s greatest buddy whether they prefer to play rugby or eat sugarcane since it helps them create strong bones and teeth.
  • Additionally, it encourages the synthesis of carnitine, which facilitates the transportation and breakdown of fatty acids that provide energy.

Because vitamin C is high in antioxidants, which improve your child’s health, it also aids in maintaining the immune system. These are the principal justifications for the significance of vitamin C.

The Benefits Of Vitamin C Are:

  • Keeping Skin Healthy:Kids have a lot of adventure. Every child appears to have a daredevil hidden within them, no matter how much you watch them and stress safety. They want to go skateboarding and climb trees. They pursue the nearby feline into the bushes. In sports, they engage with their friends. There are frequent cuts and scratches from this. The skin has to make enough collagen to mend itself, just like bone does. Keeping a scar intact requires effort. Even once it ends, it’s not officially over. For the skin to be healthy and to repair, the body needs a steady supply of vitamin C. Without it, wounds may not heal completely or heal slowly. Children who are getting close to puberty could start getting acne. When your adolescent picks at their pimples, even after their doctor has specifically advised against it, vitamin C aids in the skin’s healing process. To support optimum skin health, a dermatologist could advise using topical vitamin C formulations in addition to dietary vitamin C.
  • Acts As An Antioxidant: Antioxidant powerhouse vitamin C. Every day, your youngster is exposed to free radicals and pollutants. The body might come into contact with harmful substances on the inside as well as the outside. They try to rob cells of their electrons once they get into the body. This may result in cell damage that is harmful to one’s health. These electrons will be readily given away by vitamin C, preventing dangerous free radicals from attacking or harming healthy cells. Everybody benefits from antioxidants at any age, and a balanced diet should always include them.
  • Fortifies The Immune System:Vitamin C is commonly linked to its beneficial impact on the immune system. A common cold cannot be treated or cured by vitamin C, but it can aid the body’s natural defenses against harmful intruders. It’s common for kids to come across bacteria almost wherever they go. Youngsters frequently put objects in their mouths to explore the environment, and they are still learning the value of good hygiene practices. It’s crucial to help your youngster develop germ-free behaviors, and vitamin C bolstering their immune system can assist you in your endeavors.
  • Helps Boost Your Immune System:Nearly every developmental milestone that your child reaches depends on the state of their neurological system. All of these functions— walking, speech, memory, learning— depend on a healthy neural system. Vitamin C has been shown to enhance the health of the neurological system. It is also known that vitamin C affects neurotransmission and supports the formation of neurons. It facilitates efficient brain-body communication.
  • Assists In The Absorption Of Minerals:When taken in combination with other essential minerals, such as iron, vitamin C facilitates the body’s absorption of these elements. In the event that your youngster experiences iron shortage or absorption issues, vitamin C could be a crucial dietary supplement. Make sure you ask your pediatrician about the necessary amounts of vitamin C for your child.

How to Ensure Sufficient Vitamin C Intake?

The problem is that vitamin C cannot be produced by our bodies naturally. Therefore, you must make sure that your youngster does not have a vitamin C deficit.

Even while vitamin C deficiency isn’t uncommon, it can nonetheless occur in children who have digestive problems or poor eating habits. In addition, weakness, discomfort, slow wound healing, mood swings, bone pain, and even jaundice are some signs of a vitamin C deficiency.

Therefore, it is imperative that your youngster eat foods strong in vitamin C. Among the greatest foods high in vitamin C are:

  • Citrus fruits like oranges or sweet lime
  • Peppers
  • Strawberries
  • Blackcurrants
  • Broccoli
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Potatoes

Can My Child Have Too Much Vitamin C?

It dissolves in water, vitamin C. Vitamins that are soluble in water must be consumed daily. The body regularly eliminates the excess, so your youngster won’t build up vitamin C reserves. Your youngster is not likely to consume too much vitamin C. Children’s stomachs are smaller than adults’; hence, the typical adult dosage is between 75 and 90 mg daily.

Overindulging in vitamin C for several days in a row may cause an upset stomach or diarrhea in your youngster. Although a diet adjustment may be necessary to stop the problem from recurring, these symptoms usually go away on their own. Make a quick call to your pediatrician if you think your kid may have consumed too much vitamin C. Children’s electrolyte drinks may be required in some situations to replace fluids lost due to diarrhea.

Are Vitamin C Supplements Right for Children?

Fruits and vegetables are excellent providers of vitamin C. Still, you should absolutely think about adding vitamin C pills to your child’s diet if you want to make sure they always get an adequate quantity of the vitamin, regardless of the fruits they like.

The greatest vitamin C supplements, such as ActiKid Vitamin C Drops, are available from ActiKid. The proper components, in accordance with the guidelines provided by the UK Department of Health, are used to create these drops. Thus, your child will benefit from these drops by developing healthy skin, a robust immune system, and normal nervous system activities.

You must start giving your child vitamin C in their diet at an early age since it is crucial for their healthy growth. As long as your child is getting enough Vitamin C, you can never go wrong with either method of doing this— fruits or pills.
Now, without further ado, order some fruits and supplements high in vitamin C to help your child’s health and lifestyle.

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