
Advantages of Interactive Whiteboards in the School

Unlocking the Advantages of Interactive Whiteboards in the School

Technology has become an undeniable part of our everyday lives in today’s fast-paced world. Whether fulfilling our desire to connect on various social media platforms or organising meetings using a computer or smartphone, technology does it all. It is safe to say that technology is here to stay as it has become an integral part of almost all aspects of our lives. While we don’t like harping on the past, we can’t forget how essential technology was when we faced a global pandemic that threatened the lives of all alike. It was technology that kept us together, whether it was online classes or work from home. Since we know that technology is an essential part of the present and will play an even greater role in the future, it is our duty as responsible citizens to implement the use of technology in the file of education to keep our little loved ones up to date.

While there are many ways of implementing technology in the teaching-learning process, our main highlight of today’s article is concerning the use of interactive whiteboards in school. The first question that might cross your mind is what is an interactive whiteboard. If it did, you’re not alone. Luckily, we’re here to teach you all about interactive whiteboards and how to use an interactive whiteboard in the classroom.

What Is An Interactive Whiteboard?

Simply put, an interactive whiteboard is as the term describes, a digital whiteboard that can be connected to a computer to allow the user to manipulate data on the screen through text with the help of a stylus. The idea of an interactive whiteboard came from the concept of a whiteboard but without the shortcomings of a whiteboard. Unlike a whiteboard which has to be constantly wiped after writing, an interactive whiteboard makes use of software to clear text on the screen. This makes it convenient to use. Its small form factor also accounts for a lot of its popularity. Unlike a traditional whiteboard, an interactive whiteboard is portable and can easily be taken from one classroom to another. Initially, it was thought of only benefiting businesses during meetings. However, over time, it has evolved and with the help of software, it has made its appearance in the field of education. Now that you have a brief idea of what an interactive whiteboard is, it’s time to understand how it can be used in schools, to benefit children. 

Why Should You Use Interactive Whiteboards In Schools?

Since you already have an idea of what is an interactive whiteboard and how to use an interactive whiteboard in the classroom, it’s time to take a look at the numerous advantages of interactive whiteboards.

  1. Enhances engagement-
  2. Gone are the days of engaging students with chalk and a whiteboard. Students now require new techniques for teachers and educators to gain and grasp their attention. Using interactive whiteboards is appealing to students as it provides scope for teachers to include media like pictures and videos to make the lesson more engaging and memorable. Such teaching methods cater to the needs and preferences of various kinds of learners. Moreover, using an interactive white allows for more student participation which fosters an interactive classroom culture.

  3. Promotes collaborative learning-
  4. Collaborative learning has become extremely fundamental to the teaching-learning process in recent times. Rather than working out problems on the blackboard, importance is now being laid upon collaborative learning in classrooms. Collaborative learning is nothing but learning by collaboration. To carry out such activities, teachers divide the class into groups and empower them with the ability to use the interactive whiteboards. This teaches children values like responsibility and teamwork. Most importantly, interactive whiteboards bridge the barrier of physical space, allowing children to work on the assignment together from different locations.

  5. Provides personalised learning experiences-
  6. One of the greatest advantages of interactive whiteboards is that it allows teachers to tailor-make their lessons to fit numerous learning styles. Teachers can do so by adjusting the pace of the lesson, providing different teaching aids and addressing individual questions. Furthermore, different worksheets for different levels of difficulty can easily be prepared and displayed on interactive whiteboards without much effort.

  7. Provides immediate feedback-
  8. Traditional methods of resorting to checking notebooks are a time-consuming process that doesn’t allow for immediate feedback. However, interactive whiteboards provide educators with the opportunity to assess students as they complete the assignments. Such feedback is crucial and forms a part of the corrective measures which students must adopt to avoid making the same mistake in the future. Quizzes, MCQs and polls could be used to provide quick feedback to students.

  9. Ability to interact with digital resources-
  10. Having an interactive whiteboard provides a platform for teachers to seamlessly use technologically related aids like educational websites and online dictionaries at the touch of a screen. This empowers the teachers with the resources needed to educate students in the best possible manner. For instance, a history teacher can take the students on a journey through the ancient streets of Rome or dead civilizations through visual aids with the help of interactive whiteboards. Other educational applications can also be integrated into the software and the possibilities are endless. Interactive whiteboards are powerful tools that have made a mark on the world of education.

  11. Promotes accessibility and inclusivity-
  12. Since interactive whiteboards bridge the physical barrier involved in the process of education, it makes it an accessible option for those living far away. The numerous ways of customising lessons for different types of learners encourage inclusive classrooms where those who are specially-abled can even be a part of the lesson. This is a step in the right direction and one that is necessary. In a way, it promotes diversity and eliminates differences among individuals.

Here at EuroKids, our focus lies in fusing technology and education to establish new methods of learning that will benefit the cognitive development of our little ones. Our team of highly skilled educational professionals stress incorporating co-curricular activities alongside academics for a type of holistic education that will not only benefit the kids in the short term but also the long term. If you want to learn more about how to teach your little ones at home or how to better help your little ones develop, be sure to check out our blog.

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