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11 Easy Pudding Recipes for Kids

‘Pass the Pudding, Please!’

Said every child to their mother at the dining table. That too, after they have had their first helping of dessert!

It’s true. All kids love desserts, especially Puddings! The truly great thing about puddings is the fact that they are relatively simple to create in the kitchen. Luckily for you, you’re in for a proverbial ‘’treat’ here. A treat of ‘pudding-creating-knowledge’, that will help you whip up that ‘Pudding Treat’ for your little ones with a flourish, the next time they demand it.

At EuroKids we believe that sugar should be consumed only in moderation by kids. That being said, we have done our best to ensure there are plenty of ‘healthy ingredients’ that go into the Pudding Recipes below.

Go on then, and don your chef’s hat as we shed light on our list of Easy Pudding Recipes. Oh, and don’t forget to ask your kids for the final verdict. After all, be it an Easy Mango Pudding Recipe or an Easy Bread Pudding Recipe, the Proof of the Pudding is always in the ‘Eating’!

11 Easy Pudding Recipes for Kids

Looking for an Easy Pudding Recipe or two? From an Easy Caramel Pudding Recipe to an Easy Vanilla Pudding Recipe, we have it all covered here.

Presenting the Best Pudding Recipes for KIds, that will certainly have them going for that second helping!

  1. Easy Chocolate Pudding Recipe
  2. There’s no better way to say the word ‘pudding’, than with the word ‘chocolate’ before it!


    • 60g cornflour
    • 30g cocoa powder
    • 800ml milk
    • 120g castor sugar


    • After pouring the milk in a small saucepan, gently sift in the cocoa and the cornflour.
    • Whisk the mixture vigorously until you get something that looks like chocolate milk that is free of lumps.
    • After cooking for 2 minutes or so, add the sugar. Then you want to stir until the sugar is dissolved and you get a thick pudding.
    • Pour the pudding into a bowl and cover with cling film.
  3. Easy Bread Pudding
  4. All kids love Bread Pudding, after all!


    • 8 slices bread
    • ½ tbsp cinnamon powder
    • 2 tbsp butter
    • 3 eggs
    • 1 tbsp vanilla
    • ⅔ cup sugar
    • 2 and a half cups milk
    • ⅓ tbsp salt
    • Sugar


    • Ensure that the oven is preheated at 350 degrees F.
    • After applying butter on one side of each bread slice, place the bread slices in a buttered casserole, buttered side up! Then sprinkle the cinnamon powder.
    • After mixing the eggs, salt, vanilla and sugar in a bowl, add the milk and mix well. Then pour the egg mix on top of the bread.
    • Placing the casserole in hot water, cover it with aluminium foil and bake further, for around 40 minutes.
    • Finally, sprinkle sugar before serving!
  5. Easy Jelly Pudding Recipe
  6. Want to make a delicious pudding that ‘looks beautiful’, too?


    • 1 pack jelly crystals
    • 1 mini Nestle Milkmaid
    • 200 ml chilled fresh cream


    • Make the jelly as per the instructions on the box and keep it to freeze for around 45 minutes.
    • Whip the chilled cream and set aside, before whipping the semi-soft jelly for around 3 minutes.
    • Add the Nestle Milkmaid and whipped cream to the whipped jelly, before pouring the mixture into a wet dish. Then let it set well in the refrigerator.
    • Serve that ‘chilled’ jelly pudding to your kids!
  7. Easy Mango Pudding Recipe
  8. Of course we love Mango, and of course we love it in the form of a Pudding!


    • 3 tbsp custard powder
    • 1 cup milk
    • ½ cup mango puree
    • One and a half tbsp sugar
    • Finely chopped mango pieces


    • Combine the custard powder and ¼ cup milk in a small bowl. Stir the mixture well until it is lump-free, and then set it aside.
    • Heat the balance ¾ cup milk on medium flame, before adding sugar to it.
    • After the sugar has dissolved completely, you want to add the custard-milk mixture to it, and whisk vigorously.
    • When the mixture begins to thicken, add the mango puree to it and stir.
    • When the mixture has thickened, remove it from the flame. Then let it cool for 10 minutes before whisking again.
    • Pour the mix into a serving bowl and refrigerate for around 3 hours.
    • Garnish with finely chopped mango pieces, before serving.
  9. Easy Chocolate Avocado Pudding
  10. Talk about ‘healthy’ Chocolate Puddings!


    • 2 avocados (pitted and cubed)
    • ⅓ cup coconut milk
    • ½ cup brown sugar
    • A hint of cinnamon
    • ½ cup unsweetened cocoa powder
    • 2 tsp vanilla extract


    • Combine all the ingredients into a blender, and blend until you get a smooth mixture.
    • Transfer the mix to a bowl and refrigerate for around half an hour.
    • Serve it chilled!
  11. Easy Vanilla Pudding for Kids
  12. There’s just something ‘irresistible’ about that ‘Vanilla Essence’!


    • 2 cups milk
    • ½ cup white sugar
    • A pinch of salt
    • 3 tbsp salt
    • 1 tbsp butter
    • Vanilla Extract


    • Heat the milk until you observe bubbles at the edges.
    • Mix the sugar, salt and cornstarch in a small bowl.
    • Add sugar to the mix, and stir continuously until the mixture is thick.
    • Removing the mix from the flame, add the butter and vanilla extract and stir again.
    • Refrigerate well and serve your little ones!
  13. Easy Coconut Pudding Recipe
  14. Certainly a pudding that kids will go ‘nuts’ about!


    • 1 can unsweetened coconut milk
    • ¼ cup butter
    • 1 cup coconut sugar
    • 5 tbsp cornstarch
    • 2 cups milk
    • ¼ tbsp salt
    • One and a half cup cream
    • 2 tbsp vanilla bean paste
    • Whipped cream (sweetened)


    • Mix the sugar, salt and cornstarch well in a pan, before adding in the milk, cream and coconut milk.
    • Boil the mixture over medium heat, then add the vanilla and butter.
    • Pour the mixture into a bowl, and refrigerate it for around 4 hours.
    • Finally, garnish with a dollop of whipped cream on top, before serving!
  15. Easy Caramel Pudding Recipe
  16. Who can resist the sweet goodness of good old Caramel Pudding?


    • 2 eggs
    • 200ml milk
    • Sugar
    • 2-3g Vanilla essence


    • To make the Caramel
    • Adding sugar into a frying pan, heat over medium flame.
    • When the sugar has melted, turn off the heat. Then you want to add 2 tbsp water into the mix in ‘batches’, mixing it well with the sugar.
    • To make the Egg Mixture
    • Add sugar(30g) and the eggs to a bowl, and whisk well.
    • Heat the milk in a microwave, before slowly adding it to the egg mixture while whisking it.
    • Add the vanilla essence and mix again.
    • Pour the egg mix into small bowls, before wrapping each bowl with aluminum foil.
    • Boil around ‘1 cm’ of water in a pan, then place a wash cloth at the bottom of the pan.
    • Place the 3 pudding bowls on the washcloth, cover them and then heat on low flame for 10 minutes.
    • Finally, remove the pan from heat while keeping the cover on for another 10 minutes.
    • The Final Steps
    • Place a small amount of caramel on the top of each pudding bowl.
    • Chill the bowls in the fridge for an hour before serving the delicious caramel pudding to your kids!
  17. Cardamom Rice Pudding
  18. Yet another one of those ‘healthy’ puddings!


    • 1 cup uncooked basmati rice
    • ½ tbsp cardamom powder
    • 1 cup sugar
    • 1 cinnamon stick
    • ½ tbsp salt
    • 8 cups milk (low-fat)
    • 1 vanilla bean
    • ⅛ tbsp cinnamon powder
    • 3 peaches (sliced)
    • Cooking Spray


    • Add all the ingredients to a cooker that has been lined with cooking spray.
    • Cook well until you get a thick mixture.
    • Remove the cinnamon stick and shell of the vanilla bean from the mix.
    • Voila! Your Rice Pudding is ready. Garnish it with cinnamon powder and those peach slices, before serving it to your little ones!
  19. Easy Orange Pudding Recipe
  20. Yet another delicious pudding recipe, infused with the goodness of condensed milk!


    • 1 tin Nestle Milkmaid
    • 3 cups Orange Juice
    • 2 cups fresh cream
    • 3 tbsp gelatin
    • Half an orange


    • After you have soaked the gelatin in orange juice, heat it atop a pan of hot water. When the gelatin has dissolved, keep it aside to cool.
    • Whip the cream until it is fluffy, and then add the condensed milk and gelatin mix. Pour this mixture into a wet mould, before freezing.
    • Take out the mix from the mould and garnish with orange bits, before serving!
  21. Easy Hot Mocha Pudding Recipe
  22. Because sometimes, you just need to give in to the call of ‘indulgence’!


    • 150g milk
    • 50g dates (pitted)
    • 1 egg
    • 2 tbsp chocolate
    • 50g butter
    • 2 tbsp cocoa
    • 50g icing sugar
    • 50g almond powder
    • 1 tbsp flour (self-raising)
    • A pinch of salt
    • 4 scoops of differently flavoured ice-cream


    • Blend the chocolate, prunes and milk well. Then add the butter, almonds, sugar, cocoa, flour, eggs and salt.
    • Churn the mix well to get a smooth paste.
    • Microwave the mixture in a small dish for around 6 minutes, on medium flame.
    • Let the pudding cool down for a few minutes, before scooping it out and topping it with your child’s favourite ice cream!

As you have seen our team at EuroKids have compiled for you a pretty comprehensive list of pudding recipes, to indulge your child’s ‘sweet tooth’ cravings. Choose an Easy Pudding Recipe from the list above, to prepare for your children today!