When Does a Baby Start Waving?

When Does a Baby Start Waving?

Waving is a universal and adorable gesture that transcends age, culture, and even species. Therefore, we cannot help but feel glad and proud when we see kids waving. You know that your day is off to a great start when you see your kids waving and greeting you in the morning! But when does a baby start waving, and how can we encourage them to master this heartwarming skill? In this blog post, we will explore the ins and outs of the baby wave, offer tips on gestures to teach babies, and provide strategies to encourage kids to wave.

The Age of Waving: When to Expect the Baby Wave

A baby’s first wave can occur anywhere between 8 and 12 months, but every child is unique and may reach this milestone at different times. However, waving is a complex motor skill that requires coordination, communication, and comprehension. So, it’s no wonder that babies need time to perfect this gesture. Keep in mind that some babies may start waving earlier or later, depending on their individual development.

Signs Your Baby is Ready to Wave

We are sure you must be waiting with extreme anticipation to know when your child is ready to begin waving.

Here are some tell-tale signs that your little one is gearing up to greet the world with a baby wave:

Mimicry: Babies love to imitate their surroundings, especially the actions of their caregivers. If your baby begins to mimic the waving motion, it’s a sign they’re ready to start waving.

Pointing: A precursor to kids waving, pointing is an essential communication skill that babies develop around the same age. If your baby starts pointing at objects, it’s a strong indicator that they’re getting closer to mastering the wave.

Clapping: Just like waving, clapping involves coordinating both hands, so when a baby starts clapping, they’re building the skills needed for waving.

Eye contact: Babies develop the ability to maintain eye contact between 6 and 9 months. If your infant is looking at you while you wave, it means they are willing to try it.

Gestures to Teach Babies

Gestures to Teach Babies: Building a Foundation for Communication

When it comes to gestures that can improve your child’s communication skills, a baby wave is just the beginning. Here are a few more gestures to teach babies that will help them express themselves even before they can speak:

Pat-a-cake: This classic nursery rhyme involves hand-clapping and is a great way to teach your baby about rhythm and coordination.

High-five: Start by gently tapping your baby’s hand with yours, and gradually work up to a full high-five as they develop their motor skills.

Blowing kisses: This affectionate gesture is a fun way to teach your baby about expressing love and care for others.

Thumbs-up: This simple gesture is a way to teach your baby about approval and positivity.

Ways to Encourage Kids to Wave

Now that you know when to expect the baby wave and how to identify signs that your baby is ready to start waving, it’s time to explore ways to encourage kids to wave:

Model the behavior: The most effective way to teach your baby to wave is by consistently demonstrating the gesture yourself. When you say goodbye or hello, make sure to wave and encourage your baby to do the same.

Positive reinforcement: Whenever your baby attempts to wave or successfully waves, shower them with praise and encouragement. This will help to reinforce the behavior and make them more likely to wave in the future.

Use props: Sometimes, incorporating props like hand puppets or dolls can make the waving process more fun and engaging for your baby. Encourage your baby to wave at their toys and see if they reciprocate the gesture.

Make it interactive: Encourage your baby to wave by incorporating the gesture into interactive games and activities. For example, play peek-a-boo by covering your face with your hands and then revealing yourself with a wave. This will make the process enjoyable and memorable for your baby.

Be patient: Remember that every child develops at their own pace, so it’s essential to be patient and supportive during this process. If your baby doesn’t wave immediately, don’t worry – just keep practising and encouraging them.

Sing songs that incorporate waving: Songs like “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star” involve hand movements that can help your baby develop the necessary motor skills for waving. Sing these songs with your baby and show them how to wave as you do so.

Encourage social interaction: The more opportunities your baby has to interact with others, the more likely they are to start waving. Arrange playdates or attend baby groups where your little one can observe and engage with other children, picking up new skills along the way.

Stay consistent: Let us tell you a little secret that lies at the core of teaching any novel ability – consistency! Yes, consistency is the name of the game when it comes to imparting new skills to our little ones. So, my recommendation to you is to keep at it, day in and day out, practising the baby wave with your darling child. And lo and behold one fine day, you shall witness the magic of their gradual mastery of this charming gesture.


The sight of kids waving to their parents as the school bus departs is always heartwarming. Or Whenever you pass by the playground, we are sure you can’t help but smile at the kids waving excitedly at you.

The baby wave is an important developmental milestone for your child, and seeing it for the first time will melt your heart. By understanding when to expect this milestone and recognizing the signs that your baby is ready to start waving, you can support and encourage them along the way. Remember to be patient, and consistent, and make the process fun by incorporating games, props, and songs that involve waving. Soon enough, your little one will be eagerly waving hello and goodbye to the world around them.

At Eurokids, we understand the importance of physical milestones in a child’s growth journey. EUNOIA, our carefully curated curriculum, is an interesting mix of mindful learning, spaced learning and blended learning. To know more about us and our curriculum, visit our blogs section!

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