
The Significance of Environmental Science: Nurturing Future Stewards

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  • The Significance of Environmental Science: Nurturing Future Stewards

‘The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.’

  • Robert Swan

Remember that ‘candy wrapper’ you might have thrown on the ground years ago, when you were a kid? Your child is less likely to do something like that, with an increased focus these days, on caring about the environment we live in.

That being said, there’s far more to Environmental Science, than merely ‘not littering.’ The need for integrating Environmental Studies into the curriculum that our children will learn from, is of more relevance in today’s day and age than ever before.

Environmental Science takes things a few notches higher. Its function? Providing an overview of how our Environment is affected by the field of Science.

In this article, we will explore not only the importance of Environmental Science, but also the scope of Environmental Studies for our children.
Your child might only begin with ‘trying’ to save the world by not littering. In the end, though, he might just play a pivotal role in ‘Actually Saving It!’

Environmental Science: What It’s All About

In a nutshell, Environmental Science can be termed as an Interdisciplinary Field that is concerned with the study of the interactions between Human Beings and the Environments they live in.

So, what is the aim of Environmental Science? To begin with, it attempts to garner an understanding of the Earth’s Natural Systems, with an endeavour to find out the impact of human activities on these systems.

Moreover, it seeks to address the very ‘real’ environmental problems that exist in this day and age, through the curation of Sustainable Solutions.

Note: The broad spectrum of disciplines that Environmental Science encompasses, includes Physical, Chemical and even Biological, components.

The Importance of Environmental Science

What does one say, when asked to describe the importance of Environmental Studies?

There’s more need for the study of Environmental Science now, than ever before. Here’s a list of reasons that highlight the importance of this relatively new branch of Science.

It shows us how to uses our resources in sustainable fashion

How we take for granted our Natural Resources! Things like Soil, Air and Water. We think they will last forever, but the harsh reality is, they are getting depleted by the day.

Environmental Science teaches us how to be more responsible when using these resources. If we can understand our planet better, we can take better care of it!

A Keen Focus on Environmental Development

Environmentalists make use of Data-Driven Planning Models, to help drive sustainability in Environmental Development.

Moreover, Environmental Science lays an emphasis on educating people time and again, about the importance of Recycling. This, as part of an attempt to preserve our precious resources.

Driving Critical Thinking and Creativity

If we are to help save our environment, we must think ‘Out of the Box!’

Through researching complex environmental issues, students ace their Critical Thinking, as well, as Creative, skills. After all, the problems that we face today vis a vis our environment, are of a most complex nature.

The Scope of Environmental Studies

In the preceding section we have answered the question, ‘How can we describe the Importance of Environmental Studies.’ But what about its Scope?

There is absolutely no doubt about the Scope of Environmental Studies, in today’s world. The following is a list of reasons why studying Environmental Science can be a great choice for kids, vis a vis their future careers!

  • There is a plethora of jobs available to children who study Environmental Science, in both Private as well as Government Sectors.
  • There are several ‘roles’ that people who study Environmental Science can fit into. They can don titles like Environmental Engineers, Environmental Biologists, Environmental Journalists and more!
  • There are various industries that people with a keen understanding of Environmental Science can work in. Dyeing and Textile industries are only a couple of them. They can also oversee the operations of Fertilizer Plants, and Food Processing Units.

As you can see from the above points, there are really plenty of options available to choose from, after a child has gotten a degree in Environmental Science. Needless to say, Money is important, too! Did you know that the Salaries offered to people who have gotten their degrees in Environmental Science, are comparable to the kinds they get offered at other, more Mainstream Jobs?

That being said, the Salary also depends on the Qualification. If you’re a parent who is conscious about the environment and have a child who feels the same way, it’s not a bad idea to encourage them to pursue Environmental Science.

How to Introduce Environmental Science in Early Childhood Education

If we have to get our children excited about learning Environmental Science, we must ‘start them young.’ Here are some invaluable tips that can help us do just that.

  • Have them plant something. It doesn’t matter what they plant. As long as they are ‘actual plants!’
  • Have them determine their Carbon Footprint. Using a Carbon Footprint Calculator that can be found online, help them calculate how much carbon they emit each year, based on their lifestyle. That will get them really thinking hard, about how the little choices they make each day, impact the environment.
  • Take a trip to the local Recycling Centre. If your community has access to a place like this, it can make for a truly priceless field trip!
  • Have an Energy Conservation Day. On one day, tell your kids that they must use as little electricity as possible. At least for half a day, if an entire day is not possible!
  • Encourage them to eat more ‘Natural.’ Getting them to steer away from food that is ‘Packaged’, will work wonders for their general health, too.

At EuroKids, we believe that learning about the Environment they live in is of paramount importance to our children. When we teach them young, we provide them with all the knowledge they need, to live an eco-friendly, sustainable existence.