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The Perfect Toddler Playlist for a Calmer and Happier Day

Throughout the centuries, music has been viewed as something magical. Whether in literature or folklore, it has always been elevated to a high status. The healing power of music isn’t something that is limited to a stage or textbooks, it is even applicable to your little ones. Believe it or not but toddlers respond better to music than they do to a conversation. As parents and caregivers, the only thing you desire is the best for your child. What better way for your toddler to start his or her day than by listening to a song that brings a smile to his or her face?

The benefits of music for babies and toddlers are manifold. Apart from being a mood booster, music touches the souls of the old and young. As children, we’ve all had that one favourite song which would bring us to our feet. It is important from a very young age to make your toddler listen to music. However, a careful selection of a playlist is required to ensure holistic development. Before delving into our playlist, let’s take a brief look at why music is so important for toddlers.

Importance of Music for Toddlers

  • A Mood Changer- Music lifts the spirits of toddlers and makes them happy like nothing else can. Music, whether just a song heard on television or in the form of a lullaby, which your little one hears before going to sleep. Either way, it calms your toddlers and helps them relax. It also helps them concentrate and clear their mind as they focus only on the music. Calming music for kids allows them to unwind and have a happier day.

  • Improves Sensory Development- Apart from generally just being a mood lifter, music helps create pathways between different cells in the brain. As parents, you could make the most of this by linking music to different activities.

  • Improve Literacy- Listening to music from the very start will help your toddler to differentiate between different sounds. Babies can differentiate their parents’ voices from that of others. Listening to music can further heighten this and lead to a better understanding of phonetics in the future. Singing different nursery rhymes to your little ones will help them learn through repetition and help in developing a better vocabulary.

  • Helps in Coordination-Building- While your toddler can’t understand all the lyrics of a song, your little ones can move to the music. This plays a vital role in developing motor skills. While moving to the music, your toddler will even strengthen his or her muscles and learn to balance.

  • Cognitive Benefits- Music helps strengthen retention power in kids. It helps exercise their brain and allows your toddler to slowly associate different songs with different things. More than the lyrics, it is the beat of the music that appeals to toddlers. By listening to calm music for kids, their minds are enhanced and the results of this can be noticed as they continue to grow.

Playlist for Toddlers

  • The Wheels On The Bus- This all-time favourite song and considered to be good music for toddlers has stood the test of time as it has passed on from one generation to the next. One of the noteworthy qualities of this song is its upbeat tune. The tune of the song will make your toddler jump with joy. Along with the song, parents can also use appropriate actions to reinforce learning and make it both a fun and learning-based activity. This song is commonly heard in most pre-schools and nurseries and rightly so.

  • If You’re Happy And You Know It- You simply can’t compile a playlist for toddlers without having this song on your list. It’s one of the happiest songs for kids and it has an infectious vibe that brings children to their feet. The best thing about this song is that it engages toddlers in clapping and stamping their feet, which builds coordination. If you have a toddler at home, try starting the day with this song. It will set a happy, jovial and positive mood for your little one.

  • Old McDonald Had A Farm- This song is filled with actions, vigour and imagination. This song has been around for generations and allows kids to make animal noises, teaches them to love animals and increases their vocabulary. It is one of those songs which give kids the creativity to add new animals and animal sounds to the song.

  • Baby Shark- While this is quite a new addition to the list of songs for babies, it stands its ground primarily owing to its quality of repetition. The upbeat tempo and simple lyrics make it appeal to toddlers who attempt to sing along. The song includes simple words like mummy and daddy that help toddlers relate to their parents.

  • The ABC Song- While your toddler might be too young to grasp the letters of the alphabet, nothing is stopping them from listening to the sounds of the alphabet. This song will familiarise your little ones with the sounds of the alphabet, making it easier to remember once they start their schooling.

  • Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star- This is one of the most famous songs heard by all toddlers across the globe. It serves as a perfect lullaby and engages your little one with actions and excitement.

  • You Are My Sunshine- It isn’t uncommon for toddlers to be the apple of their parent’s eye. This calm and comforting song strikes a chord in the heart of all young ones. When thinking of good music for toddlers, this song is what comes to mind. It’s a reassuring and comforting song that will make your little one feel loved.

Here at EuroKids, our team of experts strive to give your babies the best in all aspects. Happy music for kids plays a vital role in the learning of nursery rhymes. This forms an integral part of our curriculum. If you have a toddler at home that needs special care and attention, we’ve got you covered. Visit our blog to learn more about how to help your toddler grow in the best possible way.

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