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Ten points about World Wetlands Day designed for students and children

The environment we live in is as important as the house or home in which we live. Believe it or not, we are in some way or another influenced by our environment and surroundings more than we would like to admit. The only way to ensure that the environment is preserved is by taking care of it and adopting certain measures like sustainable development. In today’s day and age, we are so caught up in the latest gadgets and technology that we fail to notice what needs our care and attention. While there are various governmental and non-governmental bodies set up for the preservation of our environment and natural resources, we as individuals need to be conscious of the fact that our natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate. The little we can do is spread awareness and preserve resources so future generations can enjoy the same bounty which God has blessed us with. We as adults and children are aware of the rate at which deforestation is taking place but have you ever stopped to think about the destruction that has been caused to our wetlands? Before we delve into greater details about safeguarding our wetlands, first let’s take a glimpse at what is a wetland and the importance of wetlands.

What Is A Wetland?

One of the main questions looming in your head might be concerning what is a wetland. Luckily for you, we have all the details in a simplified manner that can even be explained to your little ones. As the name suggests, a wetland is nothing but an area that is saturated or filled with water. The water is usually groundwater that has accumulated as a result of an aquifer or spring. However, the source of water of a wetland can also be a nearby lake or river. Seawater usually forms the majority of water in a wetland in mostly coastal areas. Wetlands are an important part of our ecosystem and must be protected by all means.

What Is World Wetlands Day?

World Wetlands Day is celebrated globally to commemorate the landmark resolution adopted by the United Nations on 30th August 2021. 2nd February is globally celebrated as World Wetlands Day to spread global awareness of the fast rate of depletion of wetlands. Did you know that approximately 90% of the world’s wetlands have been degraded in the last 300 or so years? This is precisely why the United Nations found it crucial to establish a World Wetlands Day. The main theme of this day is to highlight the urgent need to prioritize wetland restoration. Some of the most important types of Wetlands include marshes, swamps, bogs, fens, and prairie potholes. Now that you have a better understanding of what a wetland is, the types of wetlands, and World Wetland Day, we can have a look at Ten points about World Wetlands Day designed for students and children.

Ten Points About World Wetlands Day Designed For Students And Children

  1. Importance of wetlands
  2. They play a vital role in balancing the ecosystem of our planet. They regulate the temperature of the surface of the earth naturally by storing carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is a harmful gas and is widely regarded as one of the main contributors to global warming. The moment awareness is raised and kids learn about it, the faster will wetlands be preserved.

  3. Wetlands are hotspots for biodiversity
  4. What may be viewed as nothing but a body of water is home to a large number of amphibians, birds, insects and aquatic plants. These species of plants and animals at times cannot be found in many locations but are found in wetlands. Destruction of wetlands results in the loss of biodiversity.

  5. Significance of World Wetlands Day
  6. It serves as a reminder of the present threat to wetlands and the urgent need for collective conservative efforts. Many communities are working closely with NGOs, and student bodies to collectively clean up wetlands, plant trees, and carry out educational and awareness programmes.

  7. Provides opportunities for students
  8. Preservation of wetlands provides a platform for children to collectively work together to save wetlands. Through various programmes, students are educated on how wetlands not only regulate temperature but also help in flood control and water purification. Filed trips can be organized so kids get hands-on experience.

  9. Different themes for celebration
  10. To make things a little interesting to appeal to kids, a theme could be decided upon each year. This way kids will feel the need to utilise their creative side to design posters, paintings, drawings, and other artworks to celebrate World Wetlands Day.

  11. Family time
  12. The occasion serves a dual purpose of safeguarding the environment and providing an opportunity for parent and child bonding. You can make something related to World Wetland Day together and enjoy the quality time you share.

  13. Wetlands are a natural blessing
  14. One of the main reasons for remembering this day is to remind ourselves of how wetlands are a blessing to us.

  15. Preserving wetlands is equal to taking action for a sustainable future
  16. Future generations must enjoy the resources which we enjoy today and the only way to ensure that is by conserving the environment.

  17. Indigenous communities rely on wetlands more than you know
  18. Believe it or not, wetlands are one of their primary sources of livelihood. In other words, destroying wetlands will indirectly be risking their employment.

  19. Safeguarding biodiversity is safeguarding the creation of the universe and God
  20. This serves as an important lesson for kids to learn from a young age.

Here at EuroKids, we strive through our continuous and dedicated efforts to ensure the all-round development and growth of your little ones. Whether that be teaching them about the environment and World Wetland Day or teaching them values on the playground, our focus is on what your kid needs the most. On the academic front, our syllabus and curriculum are tailor-made to suit the best interests and needs of your little bundle of joys. If you want to learn more about child health, academics, nutrition or even just about environmental issues which your children should be aware of, visit us at our blog or nearest centre.

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