
Kindergarten Math Prep: 5 Skills Your Child Will Learn

Ever wondered why kids ask so many questions? That’s because their mind is like a dry sponge. It has the power to absorb any amount of knowledge.

As their first teachers, it is a good idea for you to know about the kinds of things they’ll be learning in the classroom and then practice the same at home, thereby aiding in the growth and development of these skills. One such skill is math.

Math skills are essential to a child’s development, and preschool is the perfect time for children to start learning them. At preschool, children will learn various math concepts that will lay the foundation for their future education. This article will explore some of the kindergarten math skills your child will learn at preschool, which you can easily practice at home.

Here are the Kindergarten Math Skills Your Child Will Learn in Preschool

1. Number Recognition

Number recognition is your child’s first kindergarten math skill at preschool. Number recognition is the ability to identify and name numbers. This is the first thing taught concerning kindergarten math prep. By learning number recognition, children will also learn number sense, which is the understanding of the value and relationship of numbers.

Number Recognition-Based Match Skills at Home :

  • Write the number on colorful paper and stick them all around the home. Encourage the child to call it aloud while passing it.
  • Playing hopscotch with numbers till 10 is a fun way to do number recognition.

2. Counting

Counting is one of the essential kindergarten math skills that your child will learn at preschool. Counting is the foundation of all math and is necessary for learning more advanced math skills and concepts. Kindergarteners will learn to count objects, such as toys or snacks, and to count to ten and even higher. By learning to trust, children will learn one-to-one correspondence, which is the understanding that each number represents a specific quantity. Developing kids’ skills in counting also helps in problem breakdown, which is essential for their future success.

Counting-Based Match Skills at Home:

  • Start with things at home like chairs, tables, cupboards, and spoons. Then do the same when out, like counting trees, buses, buildings, etc.
  • Sing number-based songs with finger action like ’10 Little Monkeys jumping on the bed

3. Addition and Subtraction

Learning essential addition and subtraction is a part of kindergarten math prep. Addition and subtraction are the building blocks of more advanced math concepts and are necessary for understanding the relationship between numbers. They learn this through games and activities, such as counting and matching. By learning essential addition and subtraction, children will also learn the concepts of more and less, which are necessary for understanding quantities.

Addition Subtraction Based Match Skills at Home:

  • Give them real-life problems to solve. Like there are only three plates but five people. Ask them how many more dishes are needed and to get them.
  • While eating a snack like grapes or apple pieces, tell them to count the amounts remaining after each bite. Subtraction taught!

4. Pattern Recognition

Developing kindergarten math skills will also involve them learning about pattern recognition. Pattern recognition is a math skill that will allow them to identify and replicate patterns. This skill is essential for children to learn because it helps them to understand and make sense of the world around them. Children will learn to recognize and create patterns using different shapes, colors, and sizes. Kids’ skills like this also help them learn problem-solving skills, which are essential for understanding and solving math problems.

Pattern Recognition-Based Match Skills at Home:

  • When outside, tell them to recognize the various patterns around them and give a point for each one.
  • You can give patterns to their food items like chapati, sandwiches like a hexagon, or pentagon, etc., and ask them to recognize them.

Of the many kindergarten math skills, measuring and sorting are crucial. Measuring and sorting are essential for children to learn because it helps them to understand and make sense of the world around them. Children will learn to measure objects using non-standard units like hands or fingers. They will also learn to sort things by size, shape, and color. By learning measuring and sorting, they will understand the concepts of size, shape, and color, which are essential for understanding and classifying objects.

Measuring-Based Match Skills at Home:

  • Encourage your kid to compare things at home by asking which is more significant, longer, wider, heavier, or lighter. Like, “get me a plate bigger than this one.”
  • When taking a bath or playing in their water or sand table, if you have one, offer them containers of various sizes so they may experiment with volume and capacity.
  • Get them to help you cook while you show how to measure dry ingredients using measuring spoons, cups, or a kitchen scale.

Kindergarten math skills set the tone for your preschooler’s love of mathematics. So, you now know how important it is that she gets a happy start to it. EuroKids Preschool does that. Here, kids learn all about math in a fun, practical way. Their curriculum has a feature named MathLab, designed to make math an exciting part of their learning. Do experience it yourself, too, at a center near you. Please choose the best for your little one and let them stay ahead of the curve.

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