
The Rainy Season’s Effect on Bugs

‘Bug off!’

Words you might find yourself utter every now and then, this rainy season. In case you haven’t already placed a finger on who you’re going to be addressing these words to, the answer is: ‘Bugs’!

You know the situation all too well. You’re on holiday in the monsoons, and the hotel room is flooded with pesky insects! ‘This is not what I signed up for’, you think to yourself, as you prepare to lodge a complaint with the manager. Try as we might, it’s pretty futile to stop this unwarranted ‘invasion’ of bugs into our personal spaces, be it in hotel rooms or even in our homes!

With this article from the Eurokids stable, learn all about the Insects during the Rainy Season that wreak havoc on your life. When we take a closer look at these creatures, we will see that many of these Rain Insects are nothing short of creatures that are more scared of us, than we are of them! Ready to explore the varied world of Rain Bugs? Let’s go!

Rainy Season Insects: Why we see so many Insects during the Rainy Season

The term ‘bugs’ is really an ‘Umbrella’ term used to describe any ‘small insect.’ It’s safe to say, you don’t want any of these ‘rain bugs’ on the insides of the ‘Umbrella’ you carry in the rains this monsoon! Some might just haunt you to the grave!

Mosquitoes, Moths, Cockroaches and Spiders – these are just a few of the several bugs that might infest your home this rainy season. So, why do we see so many rain insects in the Monsoons? Did you know that these ‘pests’ we run away from every now and then, are actually always around? It’s true. The only difference is, in seasons other than the monsoon, they are tucked away in nooks and crevices, or even holed up underground! All they are waiting for, is a signal from the Rain Gods. And then, all hell breaks loose!

Most of these insects are really in a state of ‘diapause’ in the winter months. Loosely translated, that’s roughly the same as ‘hibernation’ in larger animals. Once the conditions are right, they jump onto the Monsoon Bandwagon, and that’s when we notice their sheer numbers. That butterfly outside your garden, has emerged because of the rampant supply of pollen, that in turn has been made available via the wet and humid conditions. If you ever thought these creatures were a nuisance, think again. All of this is really an integral part of Nature’s Cycle.

Rain Bugs: Decoding their Trajectory

‘Why are all these Rain Bugs inside my home, if that’s not their natural habitat?’ You might ask yourself. Fair question! The answer lies in the question itself, in the word ‘home’. What’s the very purpose of a good home? To provide shelter, right? Why on earth should bugs be exempt from that?

The grass is greener on the other side, the popular adage goes. All those insects that live in the ground, seem to provide a bit of a ‘twist’ to this. They seem to prefer spaces where there is ‘no grass altogether’! It’s a staycation of sorts, as they strive to get protection from the torrential downpour outside.

In the end it’s all about living a life of comfort, and rain insects are no exception. Just like that kitten that sauntered into your home and never left, rain bugs might just turn out to be guests you have a hard time getting rid of! Be it in cupboards, nooks and corners in your home or even the trash can, bugs will find a special place for themselves, you can be sure of that!

Rainy Season Insects: Getting Rid of Insects during the Rainy Season

Want to ‘bug-proof’ your home? This might be an exercise that turns out to be harder than it seems. Use the following tips, to minimize the ‘attack of the bugs’ this monsoon season.

  1. Eliminating all traces of stagnant water
  2. Ponds and lakes aren’t the only places stagnant water collects. You want to do the following, to ensure there’s no stagnant water in the environs of your home.

    o Check all spaces for stagnant water. The corners of your balcony and even your roof, are common places for water to collect. You want to ensure you drain them completely.

    o Don’t fill buckets. If you’ve grown up in India, there are good chances you’ve seen buckets filled in your bathroom ‘for a rainy day’. Truth be told, that ‘rainy day’ is actually the last time you want to see that water-filled bucket!

  3. Use the best possible Prevention Measures
  4. Prevention is better than cure, they say.

    o Those mesh screens you see in places every now and then? You might want to install them at home.

    o Lighting. The use of sodium vapor lights might deter those pests.

    o Close the entry points. Better than getting them to leave, is denying them entry!

  5. Keeping Mosquitoes at bay
  6. The last thing you want is to fall prey to a deadly disease like Chikungunya or Malaria!

    o Ensure that you and your family members wear long-sleeved clothing whenever you can.

    o Apart from your home, you want to ensure there’s no buildup of stagnant water in your building compound, too.

Not all of us are made equal. Some of us might find ourselves in awe of that moth in our home, while others might be terrified by its presence. No matter how much we try, the occasional insect will find a way to sneak into our homes. Take comfort from this article from the Eurokids family, and do all you can to keep those Rain Insects at bay, while at the same time, embracing their existence.