
How to raise an extroverted child

A friend in your need, is what they call a friend indeed.

But how do you get there? How do you find friends that stay with you through thick and thin? Rainbows and thunderstorms? Ups and downs?

While it is not like introverts do not make friends that are absolute, precious gems. But being an extrovert can surely give people a one-up in forging strong friendships that last a lifetime. And then some.

And that extrovertedness is detected earliest during childhood! If you find that you have a kid whose energy refuses to give up even after you have, you may have an extroverted child on your hands. Someone whose energies you can channel in a better direction. And raise them right too, so to speak. 

Allow us to enlighten you.

What is an extrovert and is your child one?

Before we show how you can turn your little one into a happy extrovert that everybody wants to be friends with, let us explain what, or rather who, an extrovert is.

A personality trait, extroverts are the kind of people who can chat you up real good, even if they have just met you! They have that warm and friendly vibe.

Extroverted kids, on the other hand, display this same trait, or energy, by seeking out more play time with other kids. Or attention from the older people around them. They absolutely love being around people and display bursts of energy that can be hard to match up to.

So that is the answer to ‘what is an extrovert’. And if you feel that matches what your little one is like, you have got yourself an extroverted kid.

What are the extrovert characteristics you need to know about?

Extroverts display characteristics that you can identify from a mile away if you know what they are! Here are some of them to help you get a solid idea:

  • They love being social and interacting with people – be it kids of their age, older kids or even adults!
  • If they do not get the kind of stimulation they want or need, you would find them getting bored. Or even restless for that matter.
  • They are perpetually on the hunt for new adventures! Literally, always. They cannot get enough new experiences.
  • Another thing that extroverted kids are absolutely fond of is playing in groups. Hanging around other kids brings them a lot of joy.
  • They find it super easy to adapt to new people. And even situations. They are quite adjusting that way.
  • Lastly, they might not always think through what they say. You might catch them thinking about what to say as they say it if you pay attention.

These extrovert traits are kind of broad. And though they apply to extroverts in general, your little extrovert will definitely have characteristics that are all of their own, that are unique.

If that is an extrovert, what is an introvert then?

A very logical question in the sequence of things. Just extroverts are a personality type, so are introverts. They are actually, well, diametric opposites of extroverts.

Not the kind to enjoy frequent social interactions, the characteristics of introverts include loving to spend time by themselves. They get a kick out of, say reading a book by the window. Or solving a thousand-piece puzzle on their own. Though they do relish occasional social meet-ups, they need time off after so they can recharge their batteries before they need to be as much of a social butterfly again as they can be.

These traits, which are very different from an extrovert’s characteristics, can help you gauge if your child is an introvert:

  • Introverts love a good ‘alone time’ session. That is what recharges them!
  • They actually have a real craving for solitude. You might find them making excuses not to hang out so much with people!
  • When people they do not know are around, introverts will often act in their stereotypical ‘shy’ manner. However, that does in no way mean that they are shy. They are just not as comfy around new people.
  • Unlike extroverts, introverts think a lot. Most of their processing of a situation or an interaction happens internally, in their heads. They are little thinkers, you see.
  • They thrive in quiet surroundings where they can focus deeply. That is what they get a kick out of!

Again, just like extrovert’s traits, these are not the most definitive. So just treat them as a key to understanding introverts on a general level.

How can you help your tiny extrovert thrive and grow? 

Now as you can for yourself, we are sure that the extrovert personality type in a child can be a bit of a challenge to deal with.

On some days, you just might not have it in you to deal with your baby’s extra high energy levels. On those days, pushing yourself to keep pace with your kid can lead to an inevitable burnout.

However, there is a way to raise an extroverted child that does not put all the pressure of entertaining your child on only your shoulders.

Ready to know the secret?

Well, by ensuring that your extroverted kid gets plenty of interaction each day which does not involve you, you can catch that break and keep your extroverted kid socially stimulated at the same time.

The key is to create such opportunities on a daily basis. For example, a daily play date with a different friend is a great idea to give your tiny social butterfly their daily dose of fun-filled interactions.

You can also try out a bunch of other things, such as an arranged outdoor playtime set with the help of other moms in your building. Or sending your kids to extracurricular classes such as dancing, singing or anything that requires kids to work together in groups. Or even extended family time, listening to more of grandma and grandpa’s tales of another era!

If you give your extroverted kid enough time and opportunity to expand their social energies without you, you will not feel pressure of being their sole entertainer all the time. And that is a total win-win!

Looking for a play school where your extroverted kid can thrive and make new friends? We at EuroKids can be the perfect fit! Our diverse school environment is both stimulating and challenging, giving your extroverted kid the avenues of adventure and new experiences that they need in a perfectly social and safe setting. For more information on our chain of preschools, visit the one that is nearest to you!

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