
Fun Pencil and Paper Games for Kids

When you think of entertaining kids, it’s easy to assume that flashy gadgets and computer games are the way forward. However, there’s a classic way of engaging young minds that never goes out of style: pencil and paper games. They’re fantastic because they’re not only fun but also promote cognitive development. In this article, we will present a curated list of paper and pencil games that your children will absolutely adore.

  1. Tic-Tac-Toe (or Noughts and Crosses)
  2. An oldie but goldie. Two players take turns to place their symbol, either an ‘X’ or ‘O’, in a 3×3 grid. The first to get three of their symbols in a row (either horizontally, vertically or diagonally) wins.

    How to Play:

    • Draw a 3×3 grid on paper.
    • The first player draws their chosen symbol (either X or O) in one of the squares.
    • The second player does the same.
    • This continues until a player has three of their symbols in a row, or the grid is full. If the grid fills up without a winning row, it’s a draw.
  3. Hangman
  4. This is one of the most popular paper and pencil word games. It’s an excellent way for kids to increase their vocabulary and spelling abilities.

    How to Play:

    • One player thinks of a word and draws a blank line for each letter.
    • The other player guesses letters.
    • For each wrong guess, a part of a ‘hangman’ figure is drawn. The player has to guess the word before the hangman is completed.
  5. Dots and Boxes
  6. Dots and Boxes is excellent paper and pencil games for groups as multiple players can be involved.

    How to Play:

    • Start by drawing a grid of dots.
    • Players take turns to draw horizontal or vertical lines between adjacent dots.
    • When a player completes a box (four sides), they get to put their initial inside.
    • The player with the most boxes at the end wins.
  7. Battleships
  8. It’s a strategic game of naval warfare where players guess where the opponent’s ships are placed.

    How to Play:

    • Each player draws two grids of 10×10.
    • Players place their fleet of ships on one grid and use the other to track their guesses.
    • Players take turns calling out coordinates to “fire” at enemy ships.
    • The aim is to sink all of your opponent’s ships before they sink yours.
  9. Pictionary
  10. This is a drawing and guessing game, and it’s even more fun when played as paper and pencil games for groups.

    How to Play:

    • Players are divided into two teams.
    • One player draws a picture depicting a word or phrase without using any letters or verbal clues.
    • The team must guess the word or phrase within a set time limit.
  11. Word Search
  12. Create your own word search or print one from online resources. It’s among the paper and pencil word games that’s great for improving children’s word recognition.

    How to Play:

    • A grid filled with letters is presented to the players.
    • The players have to find and circle the list of given words in the grid. Words can be arranged horizontally, vertically, diagonally and even backwards.
  13. The Name Game
  14. Perfect as a list of paper and pencil games to improve vocabulary, the Name Game tests memory and cognitive skills.

    How to Play:

    • Player one writes down a name.
    • Player two has to write another name beginning with the last letter of the previous name.
    • This continues until a player cannot think of a new name or writes one that has already been used.
  15. Consequences
  16. Consequences is a hilarious storytelling game, perfect for those who love creativity and is ideal as paper and pencil games for groups.

    How to Play:

    • Players write a part of a story following a sequence (e.g., a man’s name, a woman’s name, where they met, etc.).
    • After writing each part, they fold the paper to hide what’s written and pass it to the next player.
    • When all sections are done, the paper is unfolded to reveal a quirky and often funny story.
  17. M.A.S.H. (Mansion, Apartment, Shack, House)
  18. Remember trying to predict the future? M.A.S.H. is a nostalgic game that promises a whimsical glance into one’s future life.

    How to Play:

    • At the top of your paper, write M.A.S.H.
    • Below, create categories like ‘Partner’, ‘Number of children’, ‘Job’, ‘Car’ etc.
    • Under each category, list four options.
    • The player then starts drawing spirals or circles, and another player says stop. Count the lines or rings in the spiral, and this becomes your magic number.
    • Count each option around the paper, and each time you reach the magic number, cross that option off.
    • Continue until you have only one option left under each category. That becomes the player’s predicted future.
  19. Fictionary
  20. For kids with a love for obscure words, Fiction is an excellent addition to paper and pencil word games.

    How to Play:

    • One player picks an unfamiliar word from a dictionary and writes down its correct definition on a slip of paper.
    • Other players then create fake definitions for the same word.
    • The player who picked the word reads all definitions aloud, and others vote on which one they believe is correct.
    • Points are given for those who guess the right definition and those whose fake definitions get votes.
  21. Squares
  22. A simplified variant of Dots and Boxes but just as engaging.

    How to Play:

    • Draw a grid of dots, say 5×5.
    • Players take turns drawing a single line (either horizontal or vertical) between two adjacent dots.
    • The aim is to complete a square. The player who draws the last line to form a square puts their initial inside.
    • The game continues until all squares have been claimed, with the winner being the player who has claimed the most squares.
    • These games not only offer hours of fun but also encourage kids to think, strategise, and learn. Whether indoors on a rainy day or on a picnic, keeping this list of paper and pencil games handy ensures you’re always prepared to have a great time. So, keep those pencils sharpened and papers ready!


Engaging in these simple yet entertaining pencil and paper games will not only keep children entertained but will also challenge their cognitive skills. Our list of paper and pencil games ensures that whether you’re looking for solo activities, paper and pencil games for groups, or paper and pencil word games, there’s something for everyone. So, the next time you find the young ones getting restless, or when screens are off-limits, all you’ll need is a pencil, paper, and this handy list!

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