
Fun Cooking Games for Kids

  What’s Cooking in the Kitchen these days?

    You will be surprised to learn, it’s not only Food!

Let’s face it. Children love to get their hands messy, This includes the time that they spend in the kitchen, getting their hands entirely plastered in flour, and then licking their fingers clean!

Cooking games for Kids are a truly great way for them to get engaged for hours. Not only are they making use of real ingredients that are visually striking, they also get to follow recipes that lead to the creation of some lip-smacking fare.

In this blog post we have specially curated for your children, some Cooking Food Games that will surely strike their fancy. Be warned:  Those little ones will be ready to cook up a storm in the kitchen. After all, Cooking Games with Real Recipes make for some endless kitchen fun!

Are you ready to don that Chef’s Hat and enter our Virtual Kitchen where you will find some of the Best Cooking Games? Let’s get started, with a culinary experience with a twist!

Fun and Engaging Cooking Games for Kids

These wonderful Cooking Games will give those budding Masterchefs plenty of ‘Food for Thought’!

Eat The Alphabet Challenge

This is one of the most Fun, Easy Cooking Games.

Game Description

You have to start each new day by challenging your kids to try a food that starts with a new letter of the alphabet. This can be as simple as ‘D’ for donut, or even more imaginative – like ‘D’ for Dragon Fruit!

Tip: You might want to have a scoring system in place, for all the new food items they can think of.

The Tasting Game

Cooking Games with Real Recipes might be great. What’s even more fun is decoding the ingredients in those recipes!

Game Description

The objective of the game is to help your kids understand the taste of individual ingredients that are used for cooking.

To do:

  • Setting a few plastic bowls in a row, place a different ingredient in each bowl.
  • Let your child taste the items from each bowl, and guess the names of the ingredients.
  • Use different ingredients like salt, pepper, lime juice, honey, etc.

Invent Your Own Recipe

Cooking Games with Real Recipes are the best, when the recipes are curated by your little ones themselves!

To do:

Giving them a plethora of some truly great ingredients, let your children create some dishes out of recipes they have curated themselves. All this, with a little help and validation from you, of course. You never know what masterpiece they might whip up!

Bonus: This cool game encourages independent thinking and problem-solving skills.

Measuring and Guessing

Cooking can be a whole lot more fun, when the element of Mystery is involved! One of the most Fun and Easy Cooking Games for Kids.

To do:

  • Decide on a food item that you are going to cook or bake.
  • Measuring out the ingredients, place them in different bowls.
  • Have your child guess the amount of the ingredient in each bowl. For instance, ‘How many eggs’ you have measured out.

The Pizza Symmetry Game

All kids love Pizza. Oh well, most adults do, too! This game that involves Pizza Toppings, is one of those cooking food games that are hard to ‘Top!’

What you will need:

  • Pizza Dough
  • Sauce
  • Cheese
  • Toppings

To do:

  • To begin with, place a string down the middle of a large slice of pizza.
  • Make a placement of toppings of your choice, on one side.
  • Have your child mirror the placement of your toppings, on the other side.

What You can Eat

This wonderful Cooking Game that does not involve actual cooking, is especially important to teach Preschoolers what they can and cannot eat. One of the Best Cooking Games, where it comes to the safety of kids.

To do:

  • Show Flashcards to them, one after the other, of both edible and inedible items.
  • They have to say what items they can eat, and point out those they cannot.
  • Make sure to include all kinds of edible and inedible items. Like chicken, fish, socks and sand.

The Blindfold Tasting Game

Yet another tasting game, this one is played without the use of Eyesight. Needless to say, it fully involves the sense of Taste!

To do:

  • Take some empty tins and place some food items in them.
  • Blindfolding your child, let them taste each item.
  • Your child has to identify whether the food item they have tasted is sweet, sour, spicy or even tangy.

The Table Setting Game

Yet another game that does not involve actually whipping up something in the kitchen. This one involves preparing for the meal to follow.

To do:

  • Place all items that are needed for setting the table, on the kitchen counter. Like mats, cutlery, etc.
  • Set a timer of two minutes, and have your little one set the table for themselves and you.

The Read-and-Make Cooking Game

Children love to follow instructions, but only when doing something they like!

To do:

  • Print out a recipe of something that is easy to make. For instance, a chocolate muffin.
  • Handing your child the recipe, ask them to read it.
  • They have to tell you what you need to do step-by-step, to create that muffin.
  • Let them help you every step of the way. Note: Getting them to share that muffin with you later might be a task, though!

Math in Cooking

Time spent around food can be used to spruce up Math skills!

To do:

  • Buy a toy plastic cake, from which ‘slices’ can be cut out and stuck back with Velcro strips.
  • Have your child count the number of slices on the cake.
  • Use those cake slices to teach them concepts of Addition and Subtraction.

  At EuroKids, we believe that Cooking Games are a great way to stimulate Imaginative Play in children. Further, as we have seen, they can also teach kids about the nuances of various foods, and whether they can eat them or not.