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Feeding Therapy – How it Helps a Child Overcome Eating Difficulties

Fееding thеrapy, also known as food thеrapy or еating thеrapy, plays a crucial rolе in addrеssing and ovеrcoming еating difficultiеs in childrеn. For many parеnts, thе strugglе to еnsurе thеir child rеcеivеs propеr nutrition is a daily challеngе. Whether dealing with picky eaters, aversions to certain textures, or more complex issues like sensory processing disorders, feeding therapy provides a structured and supportive approach to fostering positive eating habits in children.

Understanding Feeding Therapy

Feeding therapy is a specialized form of intervention that focuses on addressing challenges related to eating and feeding. It involvеs a multidisciplinary tеam comprising spееch thеrapists, occupational thеrapists, diеtitians, and somеtimеs psychologists. Thе primary goal is to hеlp children develop the skills nееdеd for safе and enjoyable еating еxpеriеncеs.

Common Eating Difficulties

Bеforе delving into thе ways feeding thеrapy can hеlp, it’s important to recognise thе various еating difficultiеs children may face. Thеsе can rangе from mild to sеvеrе and may include:

  1. Sеlеctivе Eating or Picky Eating
  2. Childrеn may restrict thеir diеt to a vеry limitеd rangе of foods, oftеn avoiding еntirе food groups.

  3. Texture Aversions
  4. Some children may struggle with certain food textures, finding them unpleasant or challenging to manage in their mouths.

  5. Sensory Processing Disorders
  6. Children with sensory issues may find it difficult to tolerate certain smells, tastes, or textures, leading to food aversions.

  7. Oral Motor Difficulties
  8. Challenges with oral motor skills can impact a child’s ability to chew, swallow, or coordinate movements during eating.

  9. Gastrointestinal Issues
  10. Children with digestive problems may associate eating with discomfort, leading to a reluctance to eat.

How Feeding Therapy Works

Feeding therapy adopts a holistic approach, addressing both the physical and psychological aspects of eating difficulties. Here are key ways in which feeding therapy helps children overcome these challenges:

  1. Individualized Assessment
  2. The process begins with a thorough assessment to identify the specific difficulties a child is facing. This includes evaluating their oral motor skills, sensory preferences, and any underlying medical issues.

  3. Skill Development
  4. Feeding therapists work on developing essential eating skills such as chewing, swallowing, and self-feeding. They may use various techniques and exercises to improve oral motor coordination.

  5. Desensitization Techniques
  6. For children with sensory aversions, desensitization techniques are employed to gradually expose them to different textures, smells, and tastes in a controlled and supportive environment.

  7. Behavioural Interventions
  8. Feeding therapy often incorporates behavioural interventions to address picky eating habits. Positive reinforcement, reward systems, and exposure therapy are commonly used to encourage a wider variety of food consumption.

  9. Family Involvement
  10. Successful feeding therapy involves collaboration with the child’s family. Parents are educated on effective feeding strategies, and mealtime routines are adjusted to create a positive and supportive eating environment at home.

Benefits of Feeding Therapy

Feeding therapy can yield numerous benefits for children experiencing eating difficulties:

  1. Improved Nutritional Intake
  2. By expanding the range of foods a child is willing to eat, feeding therapy ensures they receive a balanced and nutritious diet essential for growth and development.

  3. Enhanced Oral Motor Skills
  4. Children who struggle with chewing and swallowing can develop improved oral motor skills through therapy, promoting better overall health.

  5. Increased Independence
  6. Feeding therapy empowers children to become more independent in their eating habits, reducing reliance on caregivers for assistance during mealtimes.

  7. Reduced Anxiety
  8. Many children with eating difficulties experience anxiety around mealtimes. Feeding therapy helps alleviate this anxiety by gradually introducing new foods and creating positive associations with eating.

  9. Social and Emotional Growth
  10. Overcoming eating difficulties can contribute to improved social interactions and emotional well-being, as children are more likely to participate in communal meals without fear or hesitation.

Challenges in Implementing Feeding Therapy

While feeding therapy has proven benefits, there are challenges in its implementation. Accessibility to trained professionals, financial constraints, and the time commitment required for therapy sessions are common hurdles that parents may face. Addressing these challenges is essential to ensure that all children in need can benefit from feeding therapy.

Navigating the Challenges of Feeding Therapy

Despite the evident benefits of feeding therapy, it’s important to acknowledge the challenges that both parents and children may face during the process. Patience and consistency are key virtues as progress may be slow, and setbacks are not uncommon. Each child’s journey is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. This individual variability underscores the importance of personalized approaches in feeding therapy.

Moreover, the commitment required from parents or caregivers can be significant. Consistent implementation of strategies learned during therapy sessions is crucial for success. This might involve creating a structured mealtime routine, introducing new foods gradually, and maintaining a positive atmosphere during meals. Family involvement is not only encouraged but is often integral to the success of feeding therapy.

Another challenge is the potential resistance from the child. For those with strong aversions or sensory issues, trying new foods can be an overwhelming experience. Feeding therapists are trained to work at the child’s pace, gradually introducing new textures and tastes to reduce anxiety and resistance. Parental support is vital in reinforcing positive behaviours and creating a safe space for the child to explore new foods.

In some cases, financial constraints and limited access to qualified professionals can pose obstacles to receiving consistent feeding therapy. Governments and healthcare systems need to recognise the importance of early intervention and provide adequate support and resources to ensure that all children have access to the care they need.

The Role of Technology in Feeding Therapy

Advancements in technology have also made a positive impact on feeding therapy. Virtual therapy sessions, mobile applications, and online resources provide additional support to families, especially in areas where in-person therapy may be limited. These tools offer educational materials, interactive activities, and progress tracking, facilitating a more seamless integration of therapeutic interventions into daily life.


Feeding therapy is a valuable resource for parents and caregivers seeking to address and overcome eating difficulties in children. By focusing on skill development, desensitization, and behavioral interventions, this specialized form of therapy helps children build a positive relationship with food. The benefits extend beyond nutritional improvements to encompass enhanced independence, reduced anxiety, and improved social and emotional well-being.

In a world where children’s health and well-being are paramount, at EuroKids we believe that feeding therapy stands as a beacon of hope for families navigating the complexities of eating difficulties.

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