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Exploring Physics Symbols: Names, Meanings, and Significance

We live in an age of Abbreviations.

Every other text message carries an abbreviation or two. Like, ‘OMG’ or ‘BRB.’

It’s okay if you’re not familiar with the aforementioned abbreviations. But for all those physicists in laboratories, it is absolutely imperative that they garner a fine understanding of all Physics Signs and symbols.

Forget Physicists, even for someone looking to understand the basic concepts of Physics, a grassroots knowledge of the symbols used in Physics becomes an absolute must. After all, the subject entails a vast number of Physical Quantities that need to be included in the midst of all those calculations.

Thus arises the need to represent those Physical Quantities, with Physics Symbols.

In this article you will find a Physics Symbols List, that covers all the symbols used in Physics, that your discerning mind needs to know. Are you ready to uncover all those Physics Symbols, and even some cool Names of Physics Symbols?

Let’s begin, with a closer look at Physics symbols and all that they entail.

Physics Symbols: A Closer Look

When we speak of Physics Symbols, the first thing that comes to mind is those interesting Greek alphabets, that provoke a sense of intrigue. Indeed, strange looking alphabets that lend an uber cool touch to this branch of Science!

Besides Greek alphabets, the other symbols that are commonly used in Physics, are the symbols that we use for making Maths calculations. Moreover, we make use of SI units, to represent Coefficients and Quantities.

Symbols in Physics can be used to denote a variety of things, from Parameters and Constants, to even complicated Physics Equations. They facilitate an easier understanding of difficult Calculations, and help make those vital Representations.

Note: While using symbols in Physics generally makes things a lot easier, it can get a bit tricky at times. This usually happens, because in the field of Physics you will find some symbols that represent more than a single quantity. Like you will come to see, over the course of this article.

Commonly Used Physics Symbols

Since there are ‘6’ Branches in the field of Physics, it would be disastrous to group all the Physics Symbols into one category. It’s easier, though, if we group them in accordance with their uses in the respective Physics branches.

In this section we will touch light upon the most commonly used Physics symbols, in three different categories of Physics.

Physics Symbols: Basic Quantities

It’s only a given, that we begin our exploration of Physics Symbols with a look at symbols assigned to the most Basic quantities.

This list, like the others that follow it, covers the commonly used Physics symbols, and in some cases, the accompanying names of symbols.

Physical Quantity: Mass

Symbol: m

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Kilogram (kg)

Physical Quantity: Time

Symbol: t

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Seconds (s)

Physical Quantity: Distance

Symbol: l,d,r

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Metre (m)

Physical Quantity: Area

Symbol: A

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: m²

Physical Quantity: Volume

Symbol: V

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: m3

Physical Quantity: Density

Symbol: D

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: kg/m3

Physical Quantity: Temperature

Symbol: T

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Kelvin (K)

Physical Quantity: Frequency

Symbol: f,v

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Hertz (hz)

Physical Quantity: Heat

Symbol: Q

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: Joule (J)

Physical Quantity: Wavelength

Symbol: λ

Symbol Name: Lambda

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Metre (m)

Physical Quantity: Angular Displacement

Symbol: θ

Symbol Name: Theta

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Radian (rad)

Physical Quantity: Angular Frequency

Symbol: Ω

Symbol Name: Omega

Scalar/Vector: Pseudovector

SI Unit: Radian per second (rad/s)

Physics Symbols: Electricity and Magnetism

Up until now, we have merely scratched the surface of all known existing physics symbols.

The following Physics Symbols List, sheds light on the symbols used in Physics vis a vis Electricity and Magnetism.

Physical Quantity: Conductivity

Symbol: σ

Symbol Name: Sigma

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Siemens per metre

Physical Quantity: Capacitance

Symbol: C

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Farad (F)

Physical Quantity: Electric Current

Symbol: l

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Ampere

Physical Quantity: Charge

Symbol: q, Q

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Coulomb (C)

Physical Quantity: Electromotive Force (emf)

Symbol: ε

Symbol Name: Epsilon

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Volt

Physical Quantity: Magnetic Field

Symbol: B

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Tesla

Physical Quantity: Magnetic Force

Symbol: FB

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Functions as Vector

SI Unit: Newton

Physics Symbols: Mechanics

In the arena of Mechanics, too, there’s a plethora of Physics Signs and Symbols.

Physical Quantity: Velocity

Symbol: v

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: m/s

Physical Quantity: Acceleration

Symbol: a

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: Metres per second squared – m/s2.

Physical Quantity: Momentum

Symbol: p

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: kg/ m²

Physical Quantity: Torque

Symbol: T

Symbol Name: Tau

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: N.m

Physical Quantity: Angular Acceleration

Symbol: α

Symbol Name: Alpha

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: m/s

Physical Quantity: Period

Symbol: T

Symbol Name: Scalar

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: s or sec

Physical Quantity: Pressure

Symbol: p

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Pascal (pa)

Physical Quantity: Coefficient of Friction

Symbol: µ

Symbol Name: mu

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Unitless

Physical Quantity: Potential Energy

Symbol: U

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Joule (J)

Physical Quantity: Kinetic Energy

Symbol: K

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: Joule (J)

Physical Quantity: Moment of Inertia

Symbol: I

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Scalar

SI Unit: kg m²

Physical Quantity: Friction

Symbol: f

Symbol Name: –

Scalar/Vector: Vector

SI Unit: Newton (N)

At EuroKids we believe that while it’s a great idea to have your children indulge in cool Physics and Science Experiments, you must take things a step further. You can do this, by exposing them to these cool Physics Symbols, that are sometimes accompanied by even cooler names!

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