
Dengue Fever in Children

Children all over the world are prone to catching the Flu every now and then.

    Sometimes, they catch something a lot worse.

Given the rapidly increasing cases of Dengue, that tropical disease just might be the culprit, the next time your child falls sick.

What is Dengue? Much like Malaria, it is a viral infection transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. There are an estimated 100-400 million cases of dengue that occur every year. What this means is, around half the world’s population is at risk of contracting this deadly disease!

There’s no reason for panic to set in. In this article we have for you some comprehensive information on Dengue. Such as, the understanding of Dengue Fever Patterns, that will help you better diagnose the disease. Also, Medication for Dengue Fever, that will help you banish it.

Are you ready for some ‘Bites’ of information that will help you combat Dengue? Read on, for more!

Dengue Fever Causes

We have already established that dengue is not spread from human to human but rather, when infected mosquitoes bite humans. Read on, for the lowdown on how human beings contract this terrible disease.

Did you know that there are 4 different types of Dengue viruses that can be transmitted to humans? There are in fact 2 types of mosquitoes that cause Dengue in humans. The bad news is, both are common around human lodgings.

Here’s an interesting fact: When a mosquito bites a person who has dengue, they actually contract the dengue virus from them! Then, when that mosquito bites an uninfected person, they transmit the disease to them.

Perhaps the only bit of good news here is the following. After you have recovered from dengue, you have a long-term immunity from the specific type of dengue virus you were infected with. What’s not so great is, you are still prone to the other three types of dengue fever virus.

Note: Your risk of contracting severe dengue fever increases, if you get dengue fever more than once!

Dengue Fever Symptoms

By now we have a pretty clear answer to the question, ‘What is Dengue?’  Luckily for us, we can diagnose it early on. There is a Dengue Fever Pattern that we need to watch out for, that can help us pinpoint this underlying disease.

The following signs will help you better understand if your child might indeed be afflicted with dengue.

  • High Fever. This can be as high as 105 degrees F.
  • Severe Headache. This can take the form of a throbbing pain behind the eyes.
  • Behavioural changes. Your child might be more irritable than usual. You might even see their appetites drop, aside from a change in their sleeping patterns.
  • Body Rashes. A most common sign of dengue is an itchy rash that is seen over the body in patches.
  • Bleeding. This can take place in the nose or gums.

Note: The risk factor for dengue fever is especially high in the first 1-2 days of the fever subsiding. You might be relaxed thinking the fever is gone, but this is actually a most critical time.

You need to watch out for the following signs, and admit your child to the hospital at once, if they occur.

  • Vomiting and refusing to accept oral fluids.
  • Abdominal Pain.
  • Gastro-intestinal bleeding, with fresh or old blood in the vomit or stool.
  • Absence of urine in the last 6 hours.

Dengue Treatment: Medication for Dengue Fever

While there is no specific medicine that can be used in treating dengue, that’s no cause for alarm. The following is a list of things you need to do, to help your child recover faster from dengue.

  • Lower their temperature. Perhaps the major source of concern for children afflicted by dengue, is that rather high body temperature. Keep them cool by giving them plenty of sponge baths. And yes, make use of Paracetamol, too, to bring their temperatures down.
  • Hydrate them sufficiently. That continuous vomiting and diarrhoea might lead to dehydration. Hence, it becomes absolutely imperative to keep them sufficiently hydrated.

Note: While pain relievers like Aspirin or Ibuprofen might lend them some solace, they should be avoided. The reason: They can make bleeding all the more likely!

Prevention Measures for Dengue Fever

Needless to say, avoiding the occurrence of a disease is far better than trying to cure it!

The following are some of the ways you can help prevent your children getting affected with dengue fever.

Targeting the Breeding Grounds of Mosquitoes

Those mosquitoes that breed the deadly dengue virus? They thrive in stagnant waters! By reducing all the sources of stagnant water that are near your children, you are reducing the habitat of those dangerous mosquitoes. In doing so, you are decreasing the likelihood of those dangerous mosquito bites!

The use of Mosquito Repellents

There are several mosquito repellents that you can use in today’s day and age, to get rid of those pesky mosquitoes.

Note: You want to use only those products that are especially meant for kids, and don’t have any negative impacts on their skin.

Have them dress appropriately

It might be a good idea to encourage your kids to dress up in long-sleeved shirts and closed-toe shoes. Especially during peak mosquito activity times, like early morning and in the monsoon season.

Keeping your House Airy and Well-Lit

The thing about mosquitoes is, they are drawn to damp and dark places. Open the curtains and let that sunlight stream in, to keep those pests at bay!

Have them eat immunity-boosting foods

The stronger their immune systems are, the more strength they will have to fight dengue. The immunity-boosting foods that you could add to their diet include yoghourt, turmeric, ginger, garlic and almonds.

At EuroKids we cannot stress enough how important it is for all parents to take the risk that dengue poses to their children, most seriously. You want to watch out for the early signs of dengue outlined in this article, to ensure prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Disclaimer : The information provided on this website is not a substitute for professional medical advice. EuroKids encourages you to consult with a qualified healthcare professional for any health concerns you may have. The information on this website is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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