
Cultivating Good Manners in Children

As Indian parents, we pride ourselves on instilling good manners in our children. We teach them “Namaste,” encourage respect for elders, and emphasise polite words like “please” and “thank you.” But even the most well-behaved child can have moments where good manners seem to vanish into thin air. It’s frustrating, but before you assume they’re simply being disobedient, it’s important to understand why children sometimes “forget” their manners.

Behavioural development and understanding the why behind the slip-ups:

Developing Brain:
A child’s brain is a dynamic work in progress. The prefrontal cortex, responsible for self-control, impulse management, and decision-making, is still under construction throughout childhood and doesn’t fully mature until a person’s early twenties. This fact is critical to keep in mind when evaluating a child’s manners. Expecting young children to consistently exhibit adult levels of politeness isn’t realistic. Their evolving brain structure means they may struggle with impulse control and emotional regulation, making it difficult to remember and apply polite social cues, especially when strong emotions come into play. Understanding this neurological aspect can help parents and caregivers approach their children’s slip-ups with empathy and patience, rather than frustration.

Physiological Factors:

The presence of hunger, exhaustion, and physical discomfort can significantly influence a child’s conduct. A youngster with low blood sugar may become agitated and less likely to retain social graces, while an overtired child may be more likely to lash out out of sheer tiredness. It’s important to recognize the influence of these physiological factors and address them proactively. Ensuring that your child maintains a consistent sleep schedule and has a balanced diet can help mitigate these issues, providing a more stable foundation for good manners.

Bad Role Models:

The saying, “Monkey see, monkey do,” holds true for children. They are natural mimics, and their behaviour is heavily influenced by their environment, particularly the actions of adults and older peers around them. If children are surrounded by adults who consistently speak rudely to elders, interrupt conversations, or exhibit poor table manners, they’re more likely to replicate that behaviour. It’s crucial for parents and caregivers to be mindful of their own actions and set the right example through consistent courtesy and respect. By modelling good manners, adults can provide children with a blueprint for appropriate behaviour in various social situations.

Lack of Positive Reinforcement:

Positive reinforcement plays a pivotal role in shaping a child’s behaviour and manners. When children receive praise and recognition for displaying good manners, these behaviours become more ingrained and automatic. Conversely, if good manners are ignored or met with indifference, children might lose the motivation to consistently exhibit them. Positive reinforcement, in the form of gentle reminders, sincere praise, and small rewards, goes a long way in promoting and strengthening good manners. It reinforces the idea that being polite is not only expected but also appreciated.

Addressing the Issue with Indian Values:

  1. Patience and Understanding:
  2. One of the fundamental principles of Indian values is patience. Parents should remember that their child is still learning and developing. Instead of reprimanding them harshly for forgetting their manners, offer gentle reminders and create a supportive environment. In Indian culture, where respect for elders is highly regarded, it’s essential to instil these values with patience and understanding. Encourage your child to learn from their mistakes rather than fear punishment.

  3. Empathy and Open Communication:
  4. Indian values emphasise empathy and compassion. Take the time to understand why your child might be struggling with manners. Are they feeling overwhelmed? Tired? Frustrated? By keeping lines of communication open, you can assist them in managing their emotions in a healthy way and address the underlying causes of their behaviour. Establishing a secure environment in which your child feels at ease sharing their emotions and worries is crucial.

  5. Role-Playing and Modeling:
  6. Role-playing is a valuable tool for teaching good manners in the Indian context. Engage your child in scenarios where they practise proper etiquette, such as greeting elders respectfully, politely asking for things, or expressing gratitude. Indian culture places a strong emphasis on respecting elders and showing gratitude, so these scenarios are particularly relevant. By actively demonstrating these behaviours and involving your child in role-playing, you make etiquette tangible and relatable for them.

  7. Positive Reinforcement and Consistency:
  8. In Indian culture, showing appreciation and respect is integral to building strong relationships. Acknowledge and praise your child when they display good manners. A simple “Thank you for using your ‘please’ voice” or “I appreciate you helping with the dishes” can be incredibly motivating. Consistency is key – ensure everyone in the family reinforces good behaviour, creating a supportive environment for positive growth. By aligning with Indian values of respect and appreciation, you reinforce the importance of manners and cultivate a culture of courtesy within your family.

Incorporating these insights into your parenting approach can help your child develop and maintain good manners while staying true to the values and cultural norms of India. By understanding child physiology and the underlying factors behind manners and addressing them with empathy, patience, and positive reinforcement, you can guide your child towards becoming a respectful and courteous individual who embodies the rich traditions of Indian culture.

Cultural Context:

In India, respect for elders and adherence to traditional courtesy hold immense importance. Leverage this cultural context to your advantage. Explain the significance behind touching feet when greeting elders or the value of offering chai or water to guests. Engaging in these traditions together provides opportunities to practise good manners within a familiar and meaningful framework. Additionally, highlighting stories and fables from Indian mythology that emphasise respect and kindness can further reinforce positive values in a culturally relevant way.

Technology and Media Influence:

The digital age brings new challenges to instilling good manners. Monitor your child’s screen time and carefully curate the content they consume. Be mindful of online interactions and model appropriate behaviour in the digital world. Encourage face-to-face conversations and prioritise activities that involve social interaction and shared experiences. Remember, a healthy balance between technology and traditional forms of communication is key to fostering courteous behaviour in the digital age.

At EuroKids, we understand the unique challenges Indian parents face in raising well-mannered children. Our holistic curriculum, based on child development principles, focuses on nurturing social and emotional skills alongside academic learning. Through interactive activities, positive reinforcement, and role-playing scenarios, we help children internalise good manners and become respectful, responsible individuals.

If you’re looking for a supportive community and expert guidance in raising well-mannered children, we invite you to explore EuroKids and discover the difference a nurturing environment can make.