
Character Building for Kids

Character Building for Kids: Activities, Games and Nurturing the Future

In today’s rapidly evolving society, the significance of character in children cannot be understated. It moulds them into confident, compassionate, and responsible individuals, ready to face the world and make meaningful contributions. Parents and educators often wonder: how to build character? Fortunately, through various activities, stories, and even games, we can instil these values seamlessly.

Why Character Matters

Before diving into the methods, it’s essential to understand why character building is crucial. The renowned character building quotes such as, “Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired, and success achieved” by Helen Keller emphasises the essence of experience and struggle in moulding one’s character.

In essence, it’s the bedrock on which one’s entire persona stands. It’s the lens through which children perceive the world, react to it, and shape their destiny.

The Power of Character Building Stories

Stories have been an age-old method to teach values, instil morals and mould characters. Through narratives that touch the heart, children learn the consequences of actions, the beauty of kindness, and the significance of integrity.

Some character building stories revolve around mythical heroes, while others are tales of everyday individuals doing extraordinary things. By identifying with characters, children understand the complexities of emotions, decisions, and outcomes. For instance, stories like ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ teach the value of honesty, while tales like ‘The Tortoise and the Hare’ demonstrate perseverance.

Engaging in Character Building Activities

Role Playing: Children can be given scenarios to act out, wherein they need to showcase certain character traits. This is a hands-on approach on how to build character by letting them experience the emotion and the decision-making process.

Community Service: Letting children engage in community service allows them to experience empathy, kindness, and the joy of giving. Whether it’s planting trees or helping in a community kitchen, these acts teach them values that lectures often can’t.

Group Discussions: Children, when given a platform, have profound insights. Discussing character building quotes, stories, or simply personal experiences in groups can help children reflect upon and understand character nuances.

The Fun of Character Building Games

Who said lessons in character had to be serious and boring? Games are an excellent way for children to learn while they play.

Board Games: Many board games like ‘Monopoly’ teach children about patience, strategy, decision-making, and even handling loss gracefully.

Team Sports: Sports like football or cricket are not just about physical fitness but also about teamwork, perseverance, discipline, and handling both success and failure.

Character Building Quiz: Quizzes can be fun, and when designed around character traits, they can be enlightening too. A character building quiz can have scenarios, quotes, or even story-based questions, letting children ponder over the right answers and the values associated with them.

The Role of Adults

Parents, teachers, and caregivers play a pivotal role in this journey. It’s not enough to know how to build character; it’s essential to be consistent role models. The environment at home and school, the behaviour of adults they look up to, and the experiences they undergo – all contribute significantly.

A famous character building quote by Abraham Lincoln, “Character is like a tree and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing”, emphasises that real character is built from within and is reflected in one’s actions, not just words.

The Impact of Media on Character Building

In today’s digital era, children are exposed to a plethora of media – from cartoons and films to digital games and social platforms. This exposure has a significant influence on how they perceive the world and, more importantly, how they perceive right from wrong.

Consider, for instance, some of the popular children’s movies. Films like ‘The Lion King’ teach about bravery and dealing with loss, while ‘Moana’ emphasises the values of determination, self-discovery, and environmental respect. Thus, it becomes crucial for parents and educators to curate the media their children consume. It’s about striking the right balance between entertainment and education, where character building stories are subtly yet powerfully woven into the plot.

Peer Influence and Group Dynamics

Another vital factor in character building is the influence of peers. As children grow, they spend a significant amount of time with their friends. The group dynamics can either foster positive character traits or lead to undesirable behaviours.

Group activities, where teamwork is encouraged, can help children learn the essence of collaboration, shared responsibility, and mutual respect. Simple acts, like working on a group project or participating in team-building exercises, can instil values that individual tasks might not.

However, it’s equally important to address and curb negative influences. Peer pressure, trying to ‘fit in’, or adopting behaviours just because ‘everyone is doing it’ can hinder genuine character development. Open conversations, a trusting environment, and providing children with the tools to make the right choices can go a long way in ensuring they stay on the right path.

Reflection and Personal Growth

Personal reflection is an underrated yet powerful tool in character building. Encouraging children to maintain journals, write about their day, or discuss the highs and lows can be insightful. It not only helps them process their emotions but also recognise areas they can improve.

Reading character building quotes, for example, and then reflecting upon their meaning, can allow children to internalise these values. A quote like, “The measure of a man’s real character is what he would do if he knew he would never be found out” by Thomas Macaulay, can prompt a child to think about integrity and actions when no one is watching.


Building character in children is not a one-time lesson but a continuous journey. It’s interwoven in daily activities, stories they hear, games they play, and the environment they grow up in. While stories inspire, games engage, and quotes make them reflect, it’s the consistent guidance and example set by adults around them that cement these lessons.
Lastly, institutions play a role too. EuroKids Preschool, for instance, understands the essence of early learning. With a curriculum that is engaging, nurturing, and holistic, they lay the foundation not just for academic excellence but character building, ensuring every child is poised for a successful and meaningful life ahead.

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