Before your toddler does, can you identify the 11 hidden dangers lurking in your home

Before your toddler does, can you identify the 11 hidden dangers lurking in your home

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  • Before your toddler does, can you identify the 11 hidden dangers lurking in your home

Home Safety for Toddlers: Protecting Your Child from Hidden Dangers

‘There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.’

~ Albert Einstein

While the above quote does seem to instill a sense of wonder in us all, it could be taken a bit too literally by toddlers. They believe that everything is a miracle – right to the point of not comprehending the danger presented by common household objects. Bolstered by an innate sense of curiosity about the world around them, they might innocently place objects in their mouths, thereby putting themselves at grave risk.

The last thing one wants is to have their child taken to the ER, on account of this ‘curiosity’.

What are the ways, then, that you might keep your toddler well-protected from those common household dangers? Read on to find out more!

11 Hidden Dangers Lurking in your Home

Here’s a look at common household items that might not be at the top of your mind when thinking of home safety, but certainly worth watching out for when the baby starts exploring home turf.

#1. The Garbage Bin
The garbage bin is probably one of the last things that comes to mind, when home safety awareness is concerned.
The Danger: There are numerous potentially dangerous items that are lurking under that garbage bin lid. These include things like foods past their due dates, soft plastics with sharp edges, and even batteries.
Solution: Use a cupboard bin storage with a child safety latch.

#2. Dishwashers
Believe it or not, these serve as a prime example of common household dangers.
The Danger: Dishwashers allow children to have easy access to dangerous, sharp items like forks and knives. Besides, that detergent can irritate your child’s skin and eyes, and burn the lining of the esophagus and mouth if swallowed.
The Solution:Ensure you point knives and other sharp items downward in the utensils basket. Also, don’t fill detergent until you’re ready to run the load.

#3. Plants and Greenery
If you have a garden in your home, you might want to take a look at some of those plants, that might very well be a potential health hazard for your child.
The Danger: Several everyday common plants and flowers, like the Daffodil or Boston Ivy, can pose a safety risk to little children, if not by poisoning, then by causing severe skin irritations.
The Solution: Fence off or remove suspect plants, until your child is older.

#4. Latex Balloons
When looking to ensure toddler safety at home, you might wish to keep those latex balloons far away from your little one’s reach.
The Danger: Latex balloons can lead to choking in the case of toddlers who bite on them, or even try to blow them up.
The Solution: Buy Mylar balloons, instead of latex ones.

#5. Mumma’s Handbag
That handbag might be indispensable to Mumma, but certainly one of the things to bear in mind when baby proofing the house.
The Danger: Handbags might contain all kinds of items, from small lids and caps to even coins, that serve as potential choking hazards.
The Solution: Remove hazardous items from that handbag and keep it well out of baby’s reach.

#6. Soft Bedding
Toddler safety at home can be threatened by too much comfort!
The Danger: Fluffy comforters and bumper pads might tend to make that crib cozy, but they come with the danger of molding around babies’ faces and suffocating them.
The Solution: Put babies on a firm mattress with a tight-fitting mattress pad and sheet. Don’t use comforters or soft toys until they are a year old.

#7. Heavy Furniture
When looking to babyproof your house, you might wish to reconsider the furniture lying around.
The Danger: When there is heavy furniture lying around, there is always the danger of it tipping and falling on your children.
The Solution: One thing you could do would be to mount your TV on the wall. Also, secure your dressers and other heavy pieces of furniture by using anti-tip brackets to avoid tipping.

#8. Bath Seats and Rings
Sometimes, things that are useful, are dangerous too!
The Danger: Those bath seats and rings might help baby sit up, but are a potential drowning hazard. The suction cups on the bottom can suddenly release and cause your child to tip over or slide between the legs and become trapped underwater.
The Solution: Always stay within arm’s reach, when your little one is in the tub.

#9. Hot Mugs
Can’t do without your daily dose of caffeine?
The Danger: The last thing you want is for your child to get their hands on a mug of piping hot chai or coffee. It’s one of the most overlooked ways of children getting themselves burned.
The Solution: You could go in for insulated coffee mugs with secure lids, that help avoid those spills. Bonus: Your morning brew will be kept hot through the morning!

#10. Bath and Baby Oils
You don’t want a trip to the bathroom to result in a trip to the hospital!
The Danger: Some bath and baby oils, which are commonly found in the bathroom, contain liquid hydrocarbons. It is crucial to prioritize Bathroom Safety for Children as these substances can cause irreversible lung damage and even death if a child aspirates the substance into their lungs.
The Solution: Keep all those bath and baby oils well out of your child’s reach.

#11. Button Batteries
These seemingly harmless items can be extremely dangerous.
The Danger: Button batteries that are found in toys and items like flameless candles, are often found lying around people’s homes. When ingested, they can cause serious internal injury.
The Solution: Keep those batteries away from your kids. If you feel your child has swallowed a button battery, make sure you seek immediate medical attention.

We at EuroKids ensure our classrooms meet only the highest possible safety standards. We encourage parents to take the act of babyproofing their houses most seriously. We must humanly do everything to keep our children safe, and that safety begins first in our homes.