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Authoritative Parenting: Advantages, Disadvantages, and Tips

Kids under control? Check!

The above is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. Parents find themselves constantly struggling in a bid to keep their children under control. That’s where Authoritative Parenting steps in, allowing you to take some firm decisions that will help you find calm in the midst of all that chaos.

The Authoritative Parenting Style is best suited for parents who have a high level of demandingness and responsibility in the family. It’s all about setting the right expectations for kids, based on their individual capacities.

Read on to discover more about why authoritative parenting is most effective for the healthy development of your kids.

What Authoritative Parenting is all about

Authoritative Parenting is one of the four styles of parenting identified by a psychological researcher named Diana Baumrind, many years ago.

Authoritative parents are essentially characterized by high levels of demandingness and responsiveness to their children. Even though they might set some pretty stringent rules and boundaries for their kids to follow, they are sensitive to their feelings.

Even though authoritative parents allow children to experience the consequences of their actions, they also give positive reinforcement.

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Authoritative Parenting

If you’re wondering whether the authoritative parenting style is for you, this section has it all covered. There are several pros and cons to this method of parenting, that you want to take notice of before making that vital decision. The decision as to whether this is the style of parenting for you or not.

The Advantages of Authoritative Parenting

First, a look at the good stuff. Presenting the reasons why authoritative parenting makes for a great fit to keep those children in check.

It Enforces Discipline Effectively

After all, that’s the main purpose of parenting, isn’t it? The best part is, discipline is not imposed too harshly, as it is finely balanced with a sense of liberty. Authoritative parents know where to draw the line, displaying their discontentment sensibly.

A Sense of Accountability

Children who are raised by authoritative parents realize that they are ultimately responsible for the choices they make. This only empowers them to make the right decisions. Further, they don’t tend to cave in to peer pressure, banking instead on key life skills that help them thrive.

It fosters healthy relationships between parents and children

Authoritative parents are warm and respectful, and know how to deal with disagreements without upsetting the emotions of their children. This gives kids that important sense of security, and helps them realize that no matter what they do or say, their parents will always love them.

Fosters a sense of Respect

Parents who use the authoritative parenting style, end up rearing kids who are more likely to respect others. They thrive in social settings and get along well with their teachers and peers. This is because, when you actually ‘listen’ to your child, you show them that you care for them deeply, and also respect them. This model behavior, then, becomes something children go on to exhibit in the outside world.

They understand the need for Change

No matter how strict authoritative parents are, when the time for change comes, they find themselves up to the task. They flex their kids’ freedoms to meet their growing sense of autonomy, thereby helping them become mature, respectful and trustworthy individuals.

The Disadvantages of Authoritative Parenting

Yes, the authoritative parenting style has a dark side, too. Here’s a look at the cons of authoritative parenting.

More Responsibility Involved

Parents have to be very ‘hands-on’ when using the authoritative parenting style. This could even mean taking time off from work to be more involved with their child’s well-being and school activities.

An Increased Sense of Rebellion

Children who are raised by authoritative parents might feel that they have no freedom. Thinking they are being controlled, they feel they don’t have enough scope for making their own judgments. This might very well cause them to rebel at school, or even at home itself.

It can be more difficult and lengthy to implement

This is because, as we have seen, there is a fine balance that has to be maintained between discipline and freedom. Thus, parents might have to undergo a few rounds of trial and error, before they find the strategies that will work best for their children.

Tip: Parents should recognize that rebellion is a natural part of childhood, and stay firm where it comes to enforcing those ‘rules.’

Review and Refinement

There has to be a periodic assessment and tweaking of the ‘house rules’ every year, to meet the changing age requirements.

Difficult to maintain during Disputes

The unsaid mantra of authoritative parenting is, ‘My way or the highway.’ This can be especially tricky to implement in the case of a dispute, where your child might be on the verge of a major tantrum. The supreme goal here is to remain cool and explain your point gently to your child, rather than screaming senselessly at them.

Tips for Authoritative Parenting

Want some tips on how to be an authoritative parent?

  • Set realistic Screen Time Limits. Authoritative parents are more likely to set limits on screen time, but they do this keeping the child’s age in mind.
  • Be there when they have a problem. ‘Actually listen’ to your children telling you about their problems, without judgment.
  • Praise them. As an authoritative parent, you naturally set high expectations for your kids. Ensure you praise them, but not too often.
  • Respect their opinions. Even if you know you’re right, make sure you value your kids’ opinions, thereby showing them the respect they deserve.
  • Respect their privacy. You need to honor your child’s private space. There are some lines even parents cannot cross.

We at EuroKids believe that children who are raised by authoritative parents are more likely to become independent, academically successful and well-behaved. We recommend you strike just the right balance, where it comes to imposing rules while at the same time, giving your child freedom too.

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