
Verbs List for Kids with Examples

Verbs are the action heroes of the English language. They make sentences come alive, allowing us to express actions, emotions, and states of being. So, let’s dive into the world of verbs with clarity and enthusiasm!

What is a Verb?

A verb is a word that signifies an action, occurrence, or state of being. It’s the engine that powers a sentence, giving it movement and meaning. Verbs answer questions like “What is happening?” Verbs come in various forms, and they can be categorised into different types based on their functions and characteristics. Let’s explore these categories to provide a well-rounded understanding.

Types of Verbs

  1. Action Verbs
  2. Action verbs, undoubtedly the most ubiquitous category among verbs, are the linchpin of dynamic and vivid communication. These verbs infuse vitality into sentences by vividly portraying actions undertaken by individuals or entities. Whether it’s the exhilarating rush of “running” towards a finish line, the joyous abandon of “jumping” into a puddle, the basic sustenance of “eating” a meal, or the delightful recreation of “playing” with friends, action verbs electrify language, painting a vivid canvas of experiences and events. They propel narratives forward, enabling readers and listeners to immerse themselves in the unfolding drama or joy of a situation. The judicious use of action verbs is essential for crafting engaging prose and ensuring that the reader or listener remains captivated and connected throughout the discourse.

  3. Linking Verbs
  4. Linking verbs, while less dynamic than action verbs, play a crucial role in providing depth and context to sentences. Instead of depicting actions, they serve as linguistic bridges that connect the subject of a sentence to essential information, thereby enhancing the overall understanding. These versatile verbs act as conduits for expressing states of being, conditions, or characteristics. For example, “is” in the sentence “She is a talented artist” links the subject “She” to the subject complement “a talented artist,” clarifying her identity and talent. Linking verbs like “am,” “are,” “was,” and “were” offer a canvas upon which we can paint the intricate nuances of existence, enabling us to convey not just actions but also the essence and attributes that define a subject. They are instrumental in constructing sentences that delve into descriptions, emotions, or relationships, making them an indispensable component of effective and expressive communication.

  5. Helping Verbs (Auxiliary Verbs)
  6. Helping verbs, also known as auxiliary verbs, are the unsung heroes of grammar, providing crucial support to main verbs in constructing nuanced verb phrases. Their primary role is to convey various aspects of an action, such as its time frame, possibility, necessity, or potential. These verbs add layers of meaning and complexity to sentences, allowing us to express a wide range of ideas and shades of meaning. For instance, “can” suggests the ability to do something, “could” implies past or conditional possibilities, “will” indicates future actions, and “should” denotes moral or practical obligation. By working in harmony with main verbs, helping verbs enable us to craft sentences that are not only grammatically correct but also rich in context and significance, enhancing our capacity to articulate thoughts, desires, and intentions with precision and clarity. They are essential tools for mastering the subtleties of language and effective communication.

  7. Modal Verbs
  8. Modal verbs, a subset of auxiliary verbs, bring a unique dimension to language by conveying shades of meaning related to possibility, necessity, or ability. These versatile words operate as linguistic tools for expressing the speaker’s attitude towards an action or event. They enable us to navigate the intricacies of communication by indicating degrees of certainty or permission. For example, “must” implies a strong necessity or obligation, “may” suggests a possibility, “could” denotes a potential, and “should” implies a recommendation or duty. Modal verbs can add layers of politeness, politeness, and subtlety to statements and requests, making them indispensable for effective and nuanced communication.

Verbs List for Kids

Building a robust vocabulary is essential for effective communication. Here’s a list of verbs that children can use to express themselves creatively and vividly:

  1. Run: The action of moving quickly on foot.
  2. Jump: Springing upward from the ground with both feet.
  3. Eat: Consuming food to nourish the body.
  4. Play: Engaging in enjoyable activities for fun.
  5. Read: Looking at and understanding written words.
  6. Write: Creating words and sentences on paper.
  7. Dance: Moving rhythmically to music.
  8. Sing: Producing musical sounds with the voice.
  9. Laugh: Expressing amusement with vocal sounds.
  10. Sleep: Resting with eyes closed for rejuvenation.
  11. Dream: Experiencing imaginary scenarios during sleep.
  12. Swim: Moving through water by using one’s body.
  13. Climb: Ascending or scaling something.
  14. Fly: Travelling through the air, often with wings.
  15. Explore: Investigating and discovering new places.
  16. Build: Creating structures or objects.
  17. Paint: Applying colours to surfaces to create art.
  18. Help: Assisting someone with a task or problem.
  19. Share: Dividing something among others.
  20. Love: Feeling deep affection for someone or something.

These verbs can serve as building blocks for children’s language skills, enabling them to express their thoughts, feelings, and actions effectively.

Verb Examples in Sentences

To further illustrate how verbs function in sentences, here are some examples:

  1. Action Verb: She dances gracefully.
  2. – In this sentence, “dances” is an action verb describing what she is doing.

  3. Linking Verb: He is happy.
  4. – Here, “is” is a linking verb connecting “He” to the subject complement “happy.”

  5. Helping Verb: They have finished their homework.
  6. – “Have” is a helping verb that combines with the main verb “finished” to indicate completion.

  7. Modal Verb: You can go to the park.
  8. – In this sentence, “can” is a modal verb expressing the possibility of going to the park.

Incorporating these aspects into their language skills will help children become proficient communicators. Firstly, fostering a strong foundation in vocabulary and language comprehension enables them to convey their thoughts and ideas effectively. Secondly, encouraging active listening and empathy helps children not only understand others but also respond thoughtfully, promoting meaningful and respectful conversations.

Encourage children to embrace verbs as the dynamic elements of language that they are. Encourage them to use verbs creatively and effectively to paint vivid pictures with words. As they develop their language skills, they will become confident communicators.

To further support your child’s development, consider enrolling them at EuroKids, where a nurturing environment and engaging curriculum foster holistic growth. Help your child embark on a journey of learning and discovery at EuroKids today!

Visit the Eurokids website and discover how our educational programs can nurture your child’s language skills and overall development. Invest in your child’s future with EuroKids.