6 Steps to Baby Proofing your House

6 Steps to Baby Proofing your House

Ever heard the words, ‘Children grow so fast’? Before you even know it, your little toddler who could barely crawl yesterday, is now wandering into places you wouldn’t ever imagine they could get into. This newfound sense of mobility has them discover an innate sense of freedom they never quite had before, what with all their rolling, shuffling and grabbing things whenever your back is turned to them. It’s high time, then, that you did some baby proofing in your house.

What to do before you start baby proofing your home

When you’re looking at a baby proofing your home, you first have to see your house exactly the way the baby sees it. Yes, this means getting down on your hands and knees like a baby (or perhaps a cat). You might discover a drawer they could enter, or something they might bump into as they turn round a corner. 

This ‘stealth exercise’ will help you garner a better understanding of the things you need for baby proofing your house. Things like corner guards, locks and baby gates. 

Baby proofing your house is an ongoing process and the baby safety products you use today, might just be obsolete tomorrow. For instance, that gate you put firmly in place at the top of the stairs so your 1-year-old might not fall down, might be the very thing they start climbing over a year later. 

6 Steps to Baby Proofing Your House

What are the steps you need to take to ensure the baby is in the safest environment? 

  1. Make an assessment of the kitchen

The kitchen’s a place where baby proofing is required more than you might imagine. Start by making a thorough assessment of the space. In all probability, it’s an open kitchen and a gate to stop kids from entering, is not sufficient to stop those savvy Kitchen Explorers. 

Things to do

  • Invest in modern childproof cabinet locks.

Tip: look for magnetic locks that can be mounted on the insides of cabinets.

  • Use stone knob covers. To prevent babies from turning on the burner if they can stand.
  • Don’t keep kitchen supplies lying around. Store them high up in cabinets kids can’t reach. After all, some of these can be poisonous! 
  1. Baby Proofing the nursery

Baby proofing the house starts with the nursery. This is where your toddler is going to be spending most of their time, and you want to ensure it is as ‘child proof’ as possible. 

Things to do

  • Place baby wipes and other baby supplies near the changing table, but well out of baby’s reach.
  • Ensure the crib is away from windows, heaters and lamps.
  • Any painting or wallpapering must be finished at least 8 weeks before baby is expected, to avoid unwarranted exposure to any harmful fumes.
  • The crib slats should not be too far apart.
  • Keep pillows, blankets and toys out of the crib. 
  1. The Bathroom and Laundry Room

These are the last places we think of baby proofing, but certainly not the least important. The last thing you want is for a baby reaching out for your medicines – or poisonous household supplies! 

Things to do

  • Install latches on the medicine cabinet.
  • Make effective use of a thermometer to ensure baby’s bathwater is at a safe temperature.
  • Add a lock for the toilet. 
  1. Baby Proofing the Car

Baby proofing is not limited to rooms. Your toddler is going to be spending a lot of time in your car, and you have to make sure it’s a ‘safe haven’ for them. 

Things to do

  • Insert a rear-facing car seat in the middle of the backseat.

Note: You want to get this certified by a local certified passenger safety technician.

  • Apply stick-on shades to the rear windows to block that harsh sunlight filtering in.
  • Any small objects that might pose as potential choking hazards, like pens or coins, should be removed with immediate effect from your car. 
  1. The Living Room

You spend an inordinate amount of time here, and so will the baby. Here’s what you need to do to ensure it’s a safe environment. 

Things to do

  • Cover the pointed parts of coffee table corners with padding to prevent nasty bumps.
  • Insert metal window guards with bars that are not more than four inches apart.
  • Never leave your child unsupervised by a lit fireplace
  • Ensure you keep all electrical cords out of the baby’s grasp, as these can serve to strangle them. 
  1. The Home Office

Baby might be safe when you’re busy slaving away in your home office, but what  about the times you’re not? 

Things to do

  • Don’t keep any items dangerous to the baby lying around: like thumbtacks, paper clips, staples.
  • Be observant as there are plenty of power points that could be dangerous for the baby. When they go near them, tell them firmly to ‘Stay away’! 

Home Safety Tips for Kids

Besides the tips outlined above, there are some that you can teach your kids, so they take on the responsibility of their safety themselves. 

  • Shutting Doors. Tell them to always keep the doors closed, to keep intruders out and prevent them from going out.
  • Knowing your Contact Number. Ensure they know your contact number, in case of an emergency.
  • Staying away from Electricity. Tell them they have to stay away from all electrical devices and never plug anything into sockets.
  • Gentle Pet Handling. Make sure they are gentle with pets, who might just get aggravated and bite, if sufficiently provoked.
  • Not going near sharp Objects. They have to know that they need to stay away from all sharp objects, like kitchen knives.
  • No going outside the fence. They have to never step outside the fence, when playing in the yard. 

If you think your home is safe for your toddler, think again. You can never be too safe where it comes to the safety of your little one. Use the tips listed in this article, to make sure your home is as safe a place as can possibly be, for your child. At EuroKids we ensure the utmost safety of your child.

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