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Healthy Weight Gain Tips for Underweight Toddlers

We all go through several ‘phases’ in our lives, and toddlers are no exception. At times you will find them get over-excited at the mere sight of food on their plates. Other times, you will struggle to get them to eat.

While feeding your little one might be at the top of your mind, it’s the least of concerns for your child, who is far too busy exploring their world.

Here we have compiled some vital parenting tips for toddlers that will help allay parents’ fears where it comes to ensuring that those ‘developmental milestones’ for their children are met in time.

But first, a look at why your toddler might be underweight.

Why are some Toddlers Underweight? 

There are all sorts of things that might serve as causes for your toddler being underweight.

It’s far more likely that they are simply ‘burning off more calories than they are taking in’, each day. This is not all that uncommon, especially if they might be going through a longer-than-usual spell of picky eating.

Did you know it is essential to be aware of the average weight for a toddler?

There might also be an underlying medical condition behind that skinny toddler, like gastroesophageal reflux, or perhaps a thyroid problem. So, if your toddler is eating well and still not putting on the requisite amount of weight you would like them to, you might consider talking to your GP about the same.

In all probability, they will rule out something serious. If need be, they might refer your child to a paediatrician.

Growing Strong- 5 Easy Tips to Boost Toddler Weight

Did you know it is necessary to know the average weight for a toddler helps provide appropriate nutrition for their age?

Presenting the 5 most invaluable tips you should bear in mind, when trying to get your child to eat more.

Setting a Routine for your Toddler’s Meal Times

As important as curating the perfect diet plan for your underweight toddler, is establishing a sense of routine for them as far as their eating patterns go.

When you monitor the clock and feed your kids at regular intervals, it will only serve to help them gain weight.

Note: This might even entail pulling your children away from play time, if need be.

Tip: If you’re going out, ensure your child doesn’t miss their meal, by carrying along a light snack.

Increase the Caloric Intake

If increasing the amount of food your toddler eats is not helping them gain weight, it might be useful to include high-calorie foods to help babies gain weight, in their diet.

Of course, you have to not only choose high-calorie foods, but those that give your little one an adequate amount of nutrition, too. Some examples of good food choices are full-fat dairy products, cream cheese and even puddings made from milk.

Build your Child’s Appetite

One of the most neglected parenting tips for toddlers to eat more, is building your little one’s appetite. There are 5 different ways to build your child’s appetite.

  1. Ensure they get plenty of exercise.
  2. The more they exercise, the hungrier they will be.

  3. A Regular Toilet Routine.
  4. Unless they have cleaned their bowels, how will they ever want to eat more?

  5. Keeping mealtime ‘happy’.
  6. If your toddler is stressed, they aren’t going to eat well. Engage them in conversation and ensure they are ‘happy’, at mealtimes.

  7. Eat alongside them.
  8. Ever notice how you get hungry when someone eats in front of you? It works the same way when you eat in front of your little one!

Consider an Age-Appropriate Multivitamin

Age-appropriate multivitamin is one of the healthy weight gain tips for toddlers. Your child might be eating well, but still not gaining weight. Often the underlying reason for the same might be the ‘selective’ nature of their eating.

Your child might be leaving out one of the major food groups (dairy, fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins) and hence, not getting adequate amount of nutrition. Apart from that, they might be prone to eating more processed foods than whole, natural foods. In this case, the addition of an efficacious multivitamin to their diet, might just be a prudent choice.

The ‘quality’ of food they eat

‘You are what you eat’, is a saying we have heard plenty of times. Make that diet plan for your underweight toddler count, by selecting the right foods for them. Here are some ways you can help them eat better, and thereby, gain enough weight.

  1. Serve small and frequent meals.
  2. This advice, that works wonders for adults, could work well for your toddler, too. We recommend you give them 4 snacks, alongside 4 small meals. Small and frequent meals will be helpful in an underweight toddler diet plan.

  3. Ensure every meal and snack is balanced.
  4. You want to make sure that every bite they eat is laced with complex carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. Also, create an underweight toddler diet plan to ensure nutrient richness to your children.

  5. Ensure good gut health.
  6. Good gut health is key in ensuring your child absorbs more nutrients from the food they eat. Help your toddler’s gut by giving them good probiotics like curd, that will help fill your toddler’s gut with good microorganisms. Therefore, ensure good gut health to help the toddler gain weight. Therefore, ensuring the quality of your child’s food is one of the healthy weight gain tips for toddlers.

“No matter the cause for your child’s slow weight gain, the good news is that, as a parent, you have lots of control over one primary healing factor: their diet. A nutritious, high calorie eating pattern is the best place to start. You can also set a good example by modelling healthy eating behaviours and making nutritional choices”.

Mia Armstrong, M.D

Sample Diet Plan for your Underweight Toddler

Struggling to come up with an effective diet plan for your underweight toddler? Try this plan to help a toddler gain weight!

  • Breakfast: Warm milk, 1 vegetable egg omelette with whole grain bread slices.
  • Midday Snack: Fruit Salad with flavoured low-fat yoghurts.
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken, stir-fried vegetables with buttermilk.
  • Evening: Fresh fruit juice, a handful of almonds.
  • Dinner: Multigrain phulkas with dal, paneer or mixed vegetable curry. 

Planning a nutrient rich and calorie dense meal are essential food for underweight toddlers.

5 Essential Foods That Can Increase Toddler Weight

Last but not the least, let’s zone in on some great foods that will help a toddler gain weight!

  1. Starchy carbohydrates. Bread, rice, potatoes.
  2. Milk and dairy foods. Cheese, whole milk yoghourt, rice pudding.
  3. Protein foods: Meat, fish, eggs, beans, pulses
  4. Foods high in healthy fats. Avocados, oily fish and nut butters.
  5. Sweets: Cakes, biscuits, chocolates, ice creams. Note: To be used in moderation, occasionally coupled with healthy meals and snacks. However, remember a balanced diet with required nutrients is essential food for underweight toddlers.


Maintaining toddler weight will help them achieve their critical milestones in development and growth. In this article, we have covered the importance of awareness regarding your toddler’s weight, reasons for underweight in toddlers, and five easy steps to incorporate to boost your toddler’s weight. We have also given you a sample meal plan and five essential foods that you can practise improving your toddler’s weight. What is your diet plan for your toddlers? Do share your valuable thoughts.

At EuroKids we firmly believe that a balanced diet is key when it comes to providing your little one with the right nutrition to help them gain weight in a healthy manner. That being said, you have to maintain a fine ‘balance’ while feeding your child, to keep them from becoming overweight.

For informative and accurate articles on all things related to your new born-toddler’s development, growth, health and nutrition, follow EuroKids Blogs and do check out our nationally recognized preschools – EuroKids for the first step in your kid’s educational journey!