
18 Self-Care Ideas for Moms:

Being a new parent and suddenly having little to no time to oneself while putting practically all of your attention on your child might feel stressful. It’s crucial for new parents to keep in mind the importance of caring for themselves, even if it might feel impossible at times. Making an effort to practice self-care when you can, will help you feel more balanced and like “you” while you get used to your new position as a parent.

Of course, many parents struggle to find child care, which may make finding time for self-care much more challenging. Remember that taking care of yourself is not being selfish if you can find the time, even if it’s just for a few minutes.

And when you are able to carve out time for yourself, fill it with activities that actually renew you rather than just the advice to “take a shower” that is frequently given to new parents as a method to relax. (Of course, taking a daily shower is much easier said than done when you’re taking care of a baby, and fitting a soothing shower or bath into your day is definitely a feat — but basic hygiene definitely should not be your only choice for self-care!)

How To Make Time For Self-Care As A Mom:

As a new parent, maintaining a routine can be difficult, particularly if you have a baby who hasn’t yet developed a reliable sleeping regimen. To make self-care a priority, you can find a day and time that works best for you.

For instance, if your child typically naps at 1:30 p.m. while your partner is at home on Sundays, block out that time.

Self-Care Ideas For Moms:

These economical self-care suggestions for moms may be made in as little as a few minutes or over the course of an extended activity:

  1. Go For A Walk: Going for a walk may significantly improve your mental health, whether it’s a quick lap around the block or an hour-long break over lunch. A chance to reboot is provided by physical activity, fresh air, and a change of location.
  2. Meditate: A tried-and-true method of rejuvenation is mindful meditation. It also offers advantages for your health: A meditation routine may help lessen anxiety, sadness, insomnia, stress, and exhaustion, according to some studies. Not sure where to begin if you are new to meditation? Free meditation videos may be found on YouTube, as well as applications like Expectful (which is made especially for expectant women and new parents), Headspace, Calm, or the Mindfulness App.
  3. Read: After a long day, switching off your phone and immersing yourself in a good book right before bed might help you wind down. Consider forming a book club with your peers to stay motivated.
  4. Pamper Yourself: Spending a little more time on yourself, whether it’s a home pedicure or sheet mask, may help you unwind and reduce stress. Better still? While enjoying a cup of tea and a pleasant TV show in your cozy bathrobe, combine your pampering session.
  5. Call Your Best Friend: Have 30 minutes while your child is taking a nap? Plan a phone date with your closest pal. It’s amazing how much better you may feel after talking to family members, updating them on your life, and hearing about theirs as well.
  6. Keep A Journal: You may check in with yourself as well as process strong emotions by writing down your ideas. Are you uncertain about where to start? There are several guided journaling alternatives available online, ranging from health diaries to notebooks that ask you to write about specific areas of interest. According to a parent from the What to Expect forum, the most beneficial [self-care method] for me has been keeping a gratitude notebook. It might be beneficial even to take 30 seconds to write down your feelings on your phone’s notepad.
  7. Take A Day Off Social Media: Going off the grid, if you can, may have a significant positive impact on your mental health. Disable notifications and temporarily remove your favorite social networking applications from your cell phone (or at least place them in a folder). The amount of energy you can save by doing this might surprise you. One “What to Expect” community parent advice, “Take a break from social media if you feel like you just want to stare at your beautiful baby.” “Remember that you only owe that time and love to yourself and your child. The rest of you may wait a while.”
  8. Get Active: Exercise provides a wealth of advantages for both the mind and body, even if it may be the very last thing you are feeling like doing at the moment. The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) assert that even one moderate-to-vigorous workout improves sleep quality and decreases worry. (Speaking of looking after yourself!) Lacking the desire or the time? Go for a jog around the block, look out for a quick, entertaining dance exercise on YouTube, or perform some therapeutic yoga stretches right before bed.
  9. Cheer Yourself On: You may keep your attention on the small and major victories by recording self-compliments throughout the day in the notes app on your phone. Did your little child just throw a fit? Say to yourself, “I’m a great mom, and I handled that well.” Have you recently dominated a speech at work? Say something like, “Oh my goodness, I gave that everything I had, and it really paid off.” Alternatively, remind yourself after your child is in bed, “I am amazing at nighttime routines.” No matter the win, even if it seems insignificant, be kind to yourself.
  10. Wake Up 15 Minutes Earlier For A Distraction-Free Cup Of Tea/Coffee: If you value quiet time, you might want to set your alarm clock to go off 15 minutes earlier than normal to start your morning slowly and peacefully. Even a short period of time spent sipping hot tea or coffee can help establish the mood for the day.
  11. Take A Nap: While your child is sleeping, it might be tempting to complete everything on your to-do list, but do give yourself the liberty to take a break when you need it. One “What to Expect” community parent stated, “After I just gave birth to our second, I found sleep and rest to be the most important self-care activity.”
  12. Recite Affirmations: If you are pressed for time, reciting encouraging statements that speak to you personally may be a quick and effective kind of self-care. For instance, say positive affirmations like “I am capable of anything” or “I am unconditionally loved” out loud when you’re getting ready in the morning, brewing coffee, or cleaning the home.
  13. Explore A New Hobby: Finding a pastime that you’re passionate about might be a great way to carve out time for yourself. If you like music, think about learning an instrument or researching new musicians. If exercising makes you feel energized, check to see if there are options that offer any free exercise sessions in a park near you or download an app that motivates you.
  14. Bake A Delicious Treat: Plan an afternoon to prepare comfort food that makes you happy, whether it’s an assortment of brownies with chocolate chips or your Grandma’s renowned meatball dish. If cooking or baking helps you unwind. Put on your favorite music, put on something comfortable, and start cooking.
  15. Volunteer: Whether it’s helping out with a neighborhood park cleanup, taking your dog out for a walk at a nearby shelter, or working in a community garden, volunteering is a great opportunity to give back to your community and find time for issues you’re passionate about. Uncertain about where to start? You may be able to locate a local position with the use of tools like “VolunteerMatch,” which opens a new window. The website offers online volunteer options as well as opens an entirely new window for work you may do at home.
  16. Get Crafty: Whether it’s crocheting, photography, or sketching, try to plan time for your loves if you find that using your creative muscles gives you a boost. One “What to Expect” community parent said, “I’m about to order an adult coloring book.” “I’ve heard it helps you unwind.”
  17. Tell Your Loved Ones When You Need Help Or Space: While not everyone has family, friends, or a partner who can help with child care if the ones you love can step in to offer you some time off, let them. Be clear with your spouse about your needs, advises one “What to Expect” community parent. Even if it’s a silent, lonely trip to the store (which might seem like a luxury in the newborn days), it’s so simple to believe that they are aware of your desire for a break. They probably won’t find out until you tell them, “Hey, I need a few hours all to myself. When can we accomplish that?”
  18. Consider Therapy: Due to fluctuating hormone levels, reduced sleep, and the unexpected burden of caring for another person, becoming a new parent brings about a lot of changes that might leave you feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Contact your practitioner if you feel you would benefit from counseling, especially if you suspect you might be exhibiting signs of a perinatal mood or anxious condition. Consider looking for a sliding scale therapist because therapy can be costly and may not always be covered by insurance. You can also phone your doctor to ask if they can suggest any community-based organizations, hospitals, or universities that offer counseling, support groups, or other mental health resources for free or at a reduced cost.

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