Partner's Desk

With nearly 10 years of partnership with EuroKids, Priyanka Surve is an experienced early education provider. At EuroKids Gandhibhavan Kothrud, we provide preschool and kindergarten classes (up to Senior KG) and daycare for children over 6 months of age. We wish to give your child a positive outlook regarding 'school', and leave them with fond memories of their time with us.

Some parents consider preschool as an optional choice for their child before they enter “real” school. However, there are proven benefits of preschool that you, as a parent, must consider. The human brain grows at an exponential rate between birth and age six. Preschool is an essential learning stage to develop every aspect of your child for lasting lifetime results. Children who have undergone formal early education are known to have better results in their education, career, and even their personality. Productively engaging your child with the highly effective EuroKids curriculum will set your child on their track to success.

- Partner

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